Wednesday, December 25, 2024


 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9. (NKJV).

The Greyhound bus honked as it rounded the corner. A man and woman got off clutching shopping bags loaded with Christmas gifts. They made for our drugstore, heads bowed, the January’s arctic blast quickening their pace.

Daddy grabbed the door, held it open. “Can I help you, folks?”

“We need to reach my sister’s home. Couldn’t make it for Christmas. Family illness.” The man gave the name and area. “Any taxi available?"

“Afraid not but I know the place. After we close, I’ll be glad to drive you.” 

Their luggage loaded, Daddy drove miles out of town, turned onto a dirt lane poxed with potholes. The headlights splashed a ditch bank thick with Chinaberry trees, scrub oak, and tangled vines. At the end of the lane, the lights spotlighted a small unpainted house, porch sagging, steps holding on for dear life.

A woman opened the door and a young girl peeped around her. 

"Mama, they came," the girl said, her eyes large as she flipped her blond pigtails.

Her mother nodded, "Come in y'all. Take seats." 

The front room served as living room, dining room and kitchen. Newspapers covered the walls. A metal trash burner provided a cooking surface and heat. A bright afghan disguised an old sofa. Three mismatched chairs surrounded the kitchen table. 

The girl was about my age--maybe ten years old with dimples flashing when she smiled.

After the hugs and greetings, the woman said, “Honey, show them your gift from Santa." She ran into the other room and returned, holding up a hanger displaying a little yellow sweater with pearl buttons down the front.

Many years have passed. I don’t remember one of my Christmas gifts but I'll never forget Honey and her little yellow sweater. I thought we did the couple a favor by taking them to family but I received so much more. I saw a family who loved enough to come and a little girl who gave me a gift--a lesson in joy when we don’t lose heart.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus became The Gift for me--lovingkindness, forgiveness and joy, but especially the gift of eternal life. He loves me and promises never to leave me. He offers the same gift to you. Won’t you receive Him?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”   2 Corinthians 5:21. (NKJV).

“You're wrong. I understand why He loves you. Your Grandfather loves you and--“

“Having an important conversation?” The porch door slammed behind Grandfather.

“Ask Grandfather if you don’t believe me.”

“Is Timmy right? Does God love me?”

“Why do you think He doesn’t love you?”

 His shoulders slumped. “They say I’m no good. Can’t be trusted.”

“Ethan. I know for a fact the most important Person in  creation loves you.”

“Really?” Eyes wide, he said, "You’re not teasing?”

“A long time ago, the Lord looked down and saw we thought only of ourselves. We lied and fought, and tricked one another. In fact, He didn’t see anyone who was good. We needed a savior.

“You, too, Grandfather?” Timmy's left eyebrow tilted.

“Me, too. At the perfect time, Jesus came as a tiny baby. His mother fed Him, took care of Him. King Herod heard about a new king and sent his soldiers to kill him, but an angel appeared in a dream and they fled to Egypt.”

“But God could’ve stopped King Herod.”

“Could have but didn’t. His Son, the Lord Jesus, was treated like any other human being.”

“Why?” Ethan cocked his head.

“Would you believe a message from a king you didn’t know or one who tells the truth?”

“The one who tells the truth but will He love me?” At Grandfather’s nod, he said, “I want to believe. Will you pray with me?” With bowed head, Grandfather put his hand on Ethan’s shoulder and prayed.

Before he could finish his prayer, Ethan began to pray. He confessed his sin--his doubts, his fears. He thanked the Lord Jesus for making him His. He turned to Grandfather. 

"Can we pray for my mama and daddy? I want them to know Jesus loves them, too."

"Of course. Timmy and I'll join you." They huddled in prayer as he called out the names of his family. Finally, he looked up, eyes glistening. 

"I feel good, Grandfather. Thank you for helping me pray to Jesus."

My absolute pleasure, Ethan. Welcome to the Family." They hugged Ethan and Ethan hugged them back.

Kingdom Thinking. The Greatest Love Story of all time: The Lord Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, was crucified, died, buried, but rose again to bring sons into glory. He promises to love us and never leave us. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, December 12, 2024


"All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being."  1 Corinthians 10:23. (NKJV).

"Grandfather." Timmy bumped into a chair in his haste. "A letter from Aunt Mary."

"Slow down, son. Let's see what Mary's been up to."

Dear Brother,

It's been a whirlwind—Christmas preparation, etc, but that’s not why I'm writing. 

The week before Christmas, I made a sheet cake topped with a gingerbread house—shrubs, stepping stones—the whole shebang, for the Morales family. Don't mind telling you I was pleased. The car was loaded with goodies, including an artificial Christmas tree. 

We turned onto the Morales' street and went silent. Banana trees were planted and decorated with construction paper cut-outs, and a colorful construction paper chain draped from one tree to the other. 

Greetings and hugs exchanged, we had our songs and Bible Study, then gave our gifts to the children. As we prepared to pack up, the sweet grandmother thanked me for the cake and Christmas tree.

"Please come with me,” she said.

On their patio, boards over saw horses covered with white paper held their favorite dishes--arroz con pollo and other specialties filled the center with place settings on the sides. They insisted we sit. 

Wait, this isn’t right—and then I looked at the grandmother’s face. Beaming. No. Glowing with happiness. I couldn't refuse-- 

“Mama?” my daughter said. “Where’s their chicken?”

Brother, I'm telling you I felt as big as a gnat. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I’d done so much for them. But I did out of my plenty. They gave us their all—their only chicken. They treated us like royalty refusing to sit but wanting to serve.

O Lord Jesus, I prayed. Please forgive me, a sinner. Have mercy and give me a true servant's heart. A Heart like Yours. A heart like these wonderful people. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Brother, it's the most important lesson I've learned since the Lord Jesus made me His. I couldn't wait another minute to share it with you. Merry Christmas! I love you. Mary.

"Grandfather? I want a servant's heart. Will you pray with me?"

He cleared his throat, dabbed his eyes with his handkerchief.

"Absolutely, son." Arm around Timmy, he prayed, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you..."

Kingdom Thinking. I, too, offer Mary's prayer, not just this Christmas season, but always. The Lord loves me and promises never to leave me. I need not fear. He offers you the same. Won't you come? 

Thursday, December 5, 2024


“So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:4-7. (NKJV).

"Places everyone." Susan, the new choir director,  checked the four and five-year-olds standing in their places. "Y'all look great," she whispered.

"Showtime!" Please let this Christmas pageant be memorable.

The angel choir stood on the risers and sang with gusto. Proud parents smiled, nudged one another. The narrator kept the story flowing as the pageant unfolded.

Susan smiled. So far, so good. 

A stirring from the back of the church? Mercy, a dog must’ve sneaked in. Folks shuffled to let it pass causing a ripple effect from back to front. 

As Mary and Joseph leaned over the manger, a head popped up from under the first pew, crawled over, and peeped in.

“He’s alive,” A little boy leaped to his feet. “He really is alive. Look, if you don’t believe me.” He startled the baby in the manger, little fists swatting the air as he cried.

Susan hurried over, grabbed her son. “So sorry. Didn’t mean to cause a fuss, but he fell asleep so I...” Applause and a standing ovation interrupted her. 

She looked at the congregation, then at the little boy who'd sounded the Good News. She knelt, her son in one arm, and extended her hand to the boy. 

"What's your name?"


"Your announcement was perfect." And definitely memorable.

"Thank you, Ricky, for helping us with our Christmas pageant." She blinked away the excess moisture. 

He grinned a gap-tooth smile. "Welcome."

Kingdom Thinking. Life today, with wars and rumors of wars, causes fear and weariness. I have a choice--look at our problematic world or the Baby in the manger. He's Real. All God and all man. He lives, therefore I live. The Lord Jesus offers you the same. He loves you and promises never to forsake you. Won’t you receive Him? He’s alive! 

Thursday, November 28, 2024


“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.” Psalm 100:4,5. (NKJV).

“Janie." Grandmother called. "Need your help.” She plunked the silver candlesticks onto the counter.

“They're black. I can’t get that stuff off. How about the brass ones?”

“These are my Thanksgiving candlesticks--wedding presents. I treasure them.”

Grandmother showed her how to clean them. Apply the polish, then buff.

“Wow.” Janie held up a candlestick. "One is clean."

Finally, the silver free from tarnish, the candlesticks reflected the light. Perfect for their Thanksgiving meal.

“We’re like these candlesticks, Janie. The candlesticks did nothing to become tarnished. Just stayed in their places and the world around them did the rest. They couldn't clean themselves so--"

"We cleaned them." Janie's brow furrowed. "God cleans us? Like we cleaned the candlesticks?" She tilted her head. 

"But I have skin. Besides, cleaning and buffing could hurt."

Grandmother chuckled. "You're right. It's not exciting to be buffed or polished by our Lord, but He is good and merciful. Through circumstances in my life, He buffs and polishes."

"You mean like when I hurt my knee, you cleaned it and put ointment on it? It hurt bad but it healed and didn't get infected."

"Exactly. You did a great job, Dumpling. Let's put them on the table to provide light for our Thanksgiving meal." 

"Thank you, Grandmother. Turkey with dressing and..."

"All the trimmings." Grandmother chuckled. "I'm so thankful I have such a fabulous helper." She hugged her granddaughter.



"My heart is happy when I'm with you. 'Sides all the food and stuff, I'm glad you teach me about Jesus." This time she hugged her grandmother.

Grandmother's smile wobbled as she received her granddaughter's love with a thankful heart.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus invites us into His kingdom. He handles our tarnished lives so we can enter with thanksgiving and praise. His truth endures to all generations. That includes you. Won’t you come?

Thursday, November 21, 2024


“Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!’ So when He saw them, He said to them, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.” Luke 17:12-17. (NKJV).

“Mama, why did only one return to thank Jesus?" Janie said. "What about the others?”

She'd read the Bible story to her little daughter before she tucked her into bed. Innocent eyes stared, desiring an answer. 

Help me, Lord.

“I wish I knew, sweetie. We take the gifts the Lord Jesus gives us as if we deserve them--food and health and loving care. When we don't get what we think we deserve, we grumble.

“Tell you what,” she said. “Why don’t you and I thank Him more. Not just for the big things but for the little things, too.” She looked at her daughter. “Will you help me remember to give thanks?” A big smile accompanied her nod.

"Thank you, Janie." 

Janie threw her arms around her neck. "Thank you, Mama. I love you."

"I'm so thankful you do. Love you more."

"Thank you for loving me and teaching me about Jesus."

"You're so welcome, my darling girl."



"You make my heart sing. Does Jesus' heart sing when we thank Him?"

"Absolutely." She blinked back tears as she kissed her daughter's forehead. "Absolutely."

Kingdom Thinking. Give thanks. The Scriptures tell us this should be a way of life. The Lord Jesus gave His life to pay for all my sins so I can be with Him forever. That's enough of a reason to give thanks. He loves me and promises never to leave me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you be the one who returns to thank Him? 

Thursday, November 14, 2024


"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20. (NKJV).

"Finally. A letter from Aunt Mary." Timmy handed it to Grandfather.

"Gather around. Good to see you, Sam." Grandfather sat down and opened the letter.

Dear Brother,

The van rolled to a stop. At my door, little Elena stood her little sister, Mia, on her hip. Elena is a child herself, probably ten years old. She dearly loves Mia, age 2, and brings her to our visits. I got out to see Mia leaning for me. Of course, I caught her and her little arms slid around my neck. Such joy!

The group has grown so we moved into the back patio. The singing finished, my husband stood in front when we heard a gruff voice.

"Who's in charge here?" 

"I am. May I help you?"

Brother, I'm here to tell you. I almost began to worry. This guy was big and burly. His T-shirt showed every muscle he owned--bulging. The scowl on his face? Brought absolute silence. You could hear a mouse hiccup down the block. Then he did a strange thing. His face broke into a smile. The kind that hurts if you smile for any length of time? He walked up to my husband, grabbed his hand, and shook it.

"I want to thank you. I don't know what you're teaching but my family's different. My children greet me when I arrive home and my wife has dinner on the table. Amazing. Mind if I sit and listen?"

"Of course not. We're glad you're here."

That's when I took my first normal breath. Can you believe our Lord? Isn't He awesome? You can tell I'm overwhelmed by His Love and Grace. I believe the door is open and the light of the Lord Jesus is shining in.

Better close. Please continue to pray we'll follow the leading of the Lord and share His love and mercy.

Love you, Mary

"Let me get this straight. The man's family changed?"

"Timmy, when a person meets the Master, he'll never be the same. He must choose--new life in Jesus or the old way. When he accepts the Lord, the change begins--it's the work of God. This change makes others curious and ask questions..."

"Must have been a lot of changes in his wife and children." Grandfather nodded.

"What happens next?" Sam said. "Does Aunt Mary go somewhere else or wait for the Angel Lady to return."

"She keeps on doing the next thing. Right now, she and her husband are teaching the children and their parents about the Lord Jesus."

"Like me, Grandfather? You keep teaching me important things. Do you ever learn enough?"

Grandfather chuckled. "We never stop learning. The Lord is the perfect Teacher--"

"And He never leaves us so He's teaching us what we need to know?" Timmy tilted his head. "He's getting me ready. I want to serve Him but I have a lot to learn."

"You are His, son, and He has a perfect plan for your life. Meanwhile, we trust Him because of His great love for us."

"Amazing." Timmy's eyes glistened.

"Amazing indeed." Grandfather hugged his grandson.

Kingdom Thinking. Like Timmy, I'm still learning. The Lord loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to leave me. He offers you the same. The door is open. Come on in!


Thursday, November 7, 2024


 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3:20. (NKJV).

"No mail today, Grandfather." Timmy shuffled in, Sam on his heels. He eased the door shut.

"Mail came early. This the letter you're expecting?" He held it up. Timmy's eyes flared.

"Read it to us? Please?"

Dear Brother,

On the next Thursday, we gathered friends and headed for the village. A left turn at the town theater, and there was the yellow house. We hopped out of the van and knocked on the door.

"We're here at Maria's invitation." 


Yes, this was the Morales home but no Maria lived here. So we began our search. After checking every yellow house in the village, we started to go home when a villager asked if we'd found her. At the shake of our heads, he said.

"There's one more Morales family but they live in a blue house. It's on your way out of town."

The van pulled to a stop in front of the blue stucco cottage--a shuttered window on either side of the closed door. One of our group knocked. The lady of the house didn't know Maria. Then a strange thing happened. The left front tire went flat--as a pancake--in an instant.

"Mary," my husband said. "This is the house where the Lord has sent us. You knock, I'll change the tire."

Brother, I'm here to tell you, this is the first time in my life, and probably the last, when I wanted to change a tire. But I knocked on the door and the sweetest grandmother answered. I introduced myself and explained we were Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Did she have grandchildren we could tell about the love of Jesus?

Did she have grandchildren? Oh, my. She waved her hands, and grandchildren came. Her home, along with her children’s, took up a village block—her house, a wall, her son's house, a wall--you get the picture. They shared a huge walled-in backyard. She's invited us back next Thursday to start a Bible study for the children. I'm so excited.

In my mind's eye, I can see the Lord Jesus standing at the same door, closed. Then He arranged through a beggar, a search, and a flat tire, to bring the Good news to this village. What an awesome God we serve.

I'd better close for now. Thanks for your prayers. 

Love you, Mary

"Grandfather, That's amazing. What happened to the angel lady?" He hesitated. "I'd like to be there. Think I can be a missionary someday?"

"Well, You have to be called."

"Can you explain?" 

"First you have to love the Lord. As you get to know Him, He leads you to the place He wants you to go."

Timmy tilted his head. "Like Aunt Mary? She didn't know she'd end up in the village when the beggar came to her door." Grandfather nodded. "She didn't know all the places she'd go. She loved Jesus and followed Him?"


"That's is life I want. To follow Jesus where He wants me to go."

Grandfather's eyes glistened as he hugged his grandson.

Kingdom Thinking.  The Lord paid the penalty for all our sins through his death. He rose from the dead. He lives. To live through us to assure us an abundant life in Him--a life of fellowship and dining with Him.  You have a special invitation. Please come.

Thursday, October 31, 2024


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20. (NKJV).

"Grandfather." Timmy waved the letter as he ran into the house. "From Aunt Mary. Maybe she'll tell us more about the angel lady."

"Let's see what she says." He scanned the letter. "Ah. Well." He looked over his glasses. "Hello, Sam. Good to see you." The boys sat on the sofa, leaning forward.

Dear Brother,
This morning I was at my sewing machine when the bedroom door opened and whammed against the wall.

"She's back. She's back." Eyes wide, Carmen grinned.

"Who's back?"

"The angel lady." She flapped her arms, then ran ahead to the door. Sure enough, there stood Maria--her dress clean and her hair tidy. In her hand, she held the bag I'd stored the clothes for her children.

"Maria? How are you?"

"Good. I read the book you gave me." I nodded. "You know what it says?"

"Tell me."

"It says God loves me." She looked me in the eye. "Will you come to my village and tell them about Jesus?"

Oh, my. Thank you, Lord. At that time, my husband drove up and I introduced them.  We set the time--next Thursday, we will go and tell the people about our Lord. We've passed through her village on our way to Cartagena so knew some of the landmarks she mentioned.

"Do you know the town theater? Turn left and it's the first yellow house behind the theater." 

She handed me the plastic bag. It was filled with guavas and lemons. A gift that meant she accepted us.
Brother, I can tell you I was overwhelmed. But more than that, I'm excited about the invitation from Maria--an exceptional opportunity.

Pray for us as we go. I know the Lord is preparing the way and I want to be obedient to Him and not run ahead.
Love you, Because He Lives, Mary.

"Grandfather, that's all? Nothing else?"

He handed the letter to Timmy. "See for yourself." He showed it to Sam.

"You know what?" Sam said. "I like her letter. I feel like I'm there. I can hardly wait to see what happens."

"I know what you mean," Timmy said. "We're on a journey with Aunt Mary."

Grandfather smiled. "Glad to see you boys are enjoying the trip. Let's think about this as a trip in training."

"What is that?"

Well, first, you hear the knock, then open the door, and then invite the person in--"

"Like when Jesus knocks and we hear His voice? Then ask Him in?"

"Absolutely, son. Absolutely." He hugged his grandson and gave Sam a high five.

Kingdom Thinking. Just hearing the knock is not enough. I must choose to answer and open the door to My Lord. He comes in and promises to love me and never leave me. He knocks on your door, too. Won't you listen and invite Him in? He loves you.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20. (NKJV).

"Grandfather. Will you tell Sam about the angel lady coming to the door?"

"Ah," he said. "Let me get Aunt Mary's letter. Want to make sure I'm accurate. Okay. Here goes."

Dear Brother. I had an amazing experience. Some time ago, Carmen, one of our helpers, knocked on my bedroom door. 

"A woman's at the door. She wants to speak with the lady of the house."

I turned off my sewing machine and marched down the hall to the front door. The woman stood waiting, her braided hair coming loose, her full skirt stained. She reminded me of Mother Ginger in The Nutcracker. Were children behind her skirts, ready to run in and snatch what they could reach?

“May I help you?" We offered two kinds of bread to those who came to our door. Physical bread if they were hungry or the Bread of Life, the Word of God. She’d refused both insisting to speak with me.

"My name is Maria Morales," she said. "I have five children and they need clothes."

Not to be outdone, I asked their age--about the same as ours. The day before I’d cleaned their closets, the plastic bags according to size lined the wall. I gathered assorted clothing, put them in a plastic bag and as I came to the door, she reached for it.

“Just a minute. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior?" She shook her head.

“Would you like to know about Him?" At her nod, I hurried into the library, grabbed a Spanish edition of Good News for Modern Man. She thanked me, took the bag of clothes, the Bible, and left.

A maid stood on either side of the door, and snickered. They thought every beggar in town would now be at our door.

“'Come, sit." I pointed to our couch.

"Did you know the Lord sends angels to visit us?"

"Angels?" They flapped their arms like wings.

"Yes, angels." I showed them in the Bible where God and two angels came to Abraham in Genesis 18:16, and in Hebrews 13:2, the writer cautions, 'Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels.'"

Eyes wide, they nodded. From that day they raced to the door. Perhaps an angel knocked?

I don't know how this will end, Brother, but I do believe the Lord Jesus is in charge and delights in sending people to my door. The attitude of my helpers has changed, too. They're excited to know the Lord Jesus loves them and want to know more about the Bible, which pleases me. Thank you for praying. 
Love you, Mary.

"Was that really an angel, Grandfather?"

"I'm sure your Aunt Mary will let us know. But you know what? If God sends angels to people in Colombia, He probably does the same here. What do you think?"

Timmy and Sam eyed one another. "Wow! Timmy said. "Guess we'd better listen to see who's that knocking." Sam nodded. Grandfather smiled.

Kingdom Thinking. Not just in Colombia, South America, are we to share the Good News, but everywhere we go or when someone knocks on our door. We have wonderful news. God loves us with an amazing love. A Love that will never leave nor forsake us. That includes you. won't you come?

Thursday, October 17, 2024


“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16. (NKJV).

“How'd you like to go on a treasure hunt, Timmy?” 

“A treasure hunt?”

“Yep. For silver candlesticks. Aunt Sybil’s Christmas present.”

“Christmas? This is October. Can’t we wait?”

“Nope. Need to find the perfect gift.”

At the third shop, Grandfather held up a pair of candlesticks. “This is it.” He placed them on the checkout counter.

“She’s not going to like those. They’re ugly.”

Grandfather smiled. “Just wait."

At home, he applied silver polish, buffed them, repeated the process until they gleamed.

“Wow. They look great. She'll love them. Want me to get a box for them?”

“Not yet. Need to try them out.” Timmy's eyebrow tilted.

That night, Grandfather put the candlesticks on the table, lit the candles.

“They’re beautiful, Grandfather. The light shines from the candles and reflects in the silver.”

“Like us, Timmy. When we receive the Lord Jesus, He cleans us, makes us new. As we go through life, we get tarnished by the stuff we see and how we deal with it...”

Timmy's shoulders slumped. “So what do we do?”

“Never fear, son. The Lord has a plan. He comes and polishes us--a work in progress. Can be painful but He’s got plenty of time and wants us to gleam.”

“Shine, Jesus, shine. He lets us shine from His light. Wow!”

“Indeed. Couldn’t say it better myself.” Grandfather smiled, hugged his grandson.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus commands me to let my light shine. His light as He lives through me. He promises to love me and never leave me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?

Thursday, October 10, 2024


 “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17. (NKJV).

“Grandfather.” Timmy poked his shoulder. “Somebody's screaming.” His voice quivered. “I’m scared.” 

Jerked from sleep, Grandfather grabbed his robe. “You see anything?” Timmy shook his head.

“Listen,” Timmy stilled, hid behind Grandfather. A harsh scream pierced the silence. “I thought it was a nightmare but heard it again.”

“Hand me your flashlight.” He walked to the window
 in Timmy’s room, stood quietly.

When the mysterious noise sounded, Grandfather flashed his light. In the backyard, a red fox posed.

“Cute fellow, isn’t he?” Grandfather put his arm around his grandson. “Don't get too friendly with him. He's out looking for a mate.” Just then, the fox looked their way, then trotted into the darkness.

“Wow. He makes a racket when he talks!”

Grandfather chuckled. “That fox jerked you from a deep sleep, son. When our enemy causes fear, run to the Lord. He is The Mighty One. He rejoices when you come to Him. He will quiet your fear with His Love--”

“Like you did, Grandfather?” He shivered. “In the light, the fox is beautiful but kind of scary.”

Grandfather squeezed his shoulder. “Right. Night visitors come in nightmares and real-time. I choose to remember the Lord is in our midst, period. He is the Mighty One."

"I know He is but sometimes I forget. I'm glad you're here, Grandfather."

"As am I." He swallowed. "Seems our night visitor's long gone. Since we're up and wide awake, how about a cup of hot chocolate?” 

"All right." Timmy pumped the air, led the way to the kitchen.

Kingdom Thinking. Whether it’s a hurricane on its way or a serious illness, I choose to remember I am not alone. The Lord promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. In my fear, His love brings quiet to my heart. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”  2 Corinthians 5:21. (NKJV).

“No way, Grandfather. Someone took the punishment for the crown prince?” 

Grandfather nodded. “Doesn't seem right, does it?” He quirked his eyebrow.

“Actually, the Whipping Boy was an established position in the English court during the Tudor and Stuart monarchies of the 15th and 16th centuries. Usually, he was a companion to the prince, high born and educated with him.”

“Why would the prince want his friend punished?” Timmy frowned.

“Ahh. The tutor wasn't allowed to discipline the prince so the whipping boy took his place. Hopefully, the prince would see his pain and be sorry for his deeds."

Grandfather tilted his head. “How would you like to live back then?”

“I wouldn't. Not fair.”

“I agree. But, Timmy, what if the crown prince took the punishment for the whipping boy?”

“It'd grab my attention for sure,” he said. "N
o prince would do that.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, son. The Prince of Peace took the whipping, the curses, and every sin known to mankind upon Himself. He volunteered so we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

“The Lord Jesus,” Timmy whispered.“He did that for me?” 

“Yes, son, so you, I, and whosoever can be set free from sin and become right with God.”

He hugged Grandfather, grabbed his coat. "Gotta tell Sam.

"Amazing. A Prince who took my place."

"You do that. What if he doesn't believe you?"

He froze in his steps. "I'll keep on telling him the Prince took his place. 'Cause Sam's my friend, Grandfather."

He smiled, shook his head. A door slamming let him know Timmy was on his way. 

Kingdom Thinking. No way can I understand God’s love so I praise Him. He promises never to leave nor forsake me and loves me with an everlasting love. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?

Thursday, September 26, 2024


 “And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work.” Romans 11:6 (NKJV).

“You’re talking in circles, Grandfather.” Timmy rested his chin in his hand.

“Are you standing or sitting?”

 Timmy rolled his eyes. “Sitting.”

“But if you stand, you’re no longer sitting. One or the other, right?”

“Guess so. Never thought about it.”

“All I’m saying is you can’t have both. If we saved by grace, we’re saved by grace...”

“I can’t work for it?” Grandfather shook his head. “I can’t steal it? I can’t buy and I can't sell it?” Timmy picked up the cadence as he tapped his fingers on the table.

“We don’t deserve it.” Grandfather's face shone with delight and wonder. "It’s a never-ending spring--a gift. Paid for by the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Timmy whispered. “If it's a gift, why don’t we let it shine through us?”

“Because when I'm stubborn or unforgiving, I shove grace to the side, clog His flowing spring. Try to work it out myself--”

“Don’t allow His grace to work?” He frowned. “Where is it then?” 

Grandfather chuckled. “Good point. It’s not lost…

“Remember how we clean the artesian well? It gets clogged with leaves and stuff. No fault of the spring. For His spring of grace, I confess my sins to Him. He cleans the spring so I can use the gift in my life. Life is easier when I do.”

“You don't have to do the work? He does the cleaning?”


“He'll clean my spring, too?”

Grandfather nodded. “His grace is a gift to you. You do have to open it. Know what the note says inside the gift?”

“My gift of grace to you, Timmy. The more you use it, the more you have. Use liberally.”

“Wow, Grandfather. For me? A special gift from God?" He tilted his head. “You know what?”

“What's that?”

“I'm gonna use it over and over.” He hugged his grandfather and received a big hug.

Kingdom Thinking. I confess I need His grace--every minute of the day. I don't deserve it. It's a gift. He loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to leave nor forsake me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, September 19, 2024


“Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings, From the wicked who oppress me, From my deadly enemies who surround me.” Psalm 17:8,9. (NKJV).

“I’m ugly, Grandfather.” Janie stood before the hall mirror, blinking away the tears.

“Why would you think such a thing?”

“I can see. 'Sides, everybody says so.”

“Did you hurt someone’s feelings?” She rolled her lips. “What's this really about?” Grandfather knelt, took her hand.

“'Cause. 'Cause I have freckles.” She stretched out her arm. “Everywhere.” She flung her arms around Grandfather, sobbing.

“I love your freckles. Grandmother has freckles. That’s why I married her." Fingers under her chin, he searched Janie's face. "Freckles show you’re not perfect but you’re my Granddaughter and I love you.”

“You’re supposed to say that, Grandfather.”

“Hold on a sec.” He slipped on his overcoat, stood before her. “Okay. Step this way.” He tucked her inside. “If someone comes in, who do they see?”

“They see you. I’m hidden.” 

“Exactly. But are you still alive? Able to think for yourself?”

“'Course.  I’m still me. You’re funny, Grandfather.”

“The Lord Jesus hides us under His wings when we belong to Him, Janie. Our enemies continue to surround us and the wicked oppress us but we have the assurance the Lord is with us.”

He opened his overcoat, peeped inside. “Feel safe?” 

Grinning, she said, "You know what?"

"Tell me."

"Hidden in your overcoat, I didn't see a single freckle."

"Why was that?"

Her eyes squinted, then flared. "When I was hidden, I didn't think about me. I thought about how you loved me and hid me."

Grandfather bit his lip.

"The Lord Jesus loves us and hides us, too, doesn't He?"

"He does. Not only does He love you but He promises never to leave you."

"I'm so glad."

"Me, too." She hugged her granddaughter.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus promises to love me and never forsake me. He sees my problems as an opportunity to show He can handle them. He offers the same to you. Who do you see in the mirror? He’ll hide you under His wings. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3. (NKJV).

Lightning flashed. A clap of thunder shook the house. Timmy inched closer to Grandfather on the sofa. 

“Why aren't you scared?”  

“Look at this.” In his Bible, he'd nestled a picture of a mother bird on her nest. Lightning slashed, rain pelted her. Head tucked under her wing, she slept.

“Why do you think she can sleep through the storm?”

“Her nest doesn’t look safe.” Timmy squinted at the picture. 

“It’s all about trust. Her nest is secure and she’ll be able to protect her chicks.”

“But Grandfather, how if the nest falls?”

“She trusts it won’t.”

“But how if lightning strikes the tree? How if--?” Grandfather held up his hand.

“Trusting is difficult. Impossible, really.” Timmy blinked. “Unless you realize the T factor,” Grandfather said.

“The T factor?” his eyebrows tilted.

“When you were a little fellow, you’d climb to the top of the slide in the swimming pool's deep end. ‘Come on, Timmy, I’ll catch you.’ Down you'd come and with you in my arms, we’d go under and come up laughing. Remember?”

“I knew you would catch me, Grandfather.” 

 “How if I dropped you?”

“But you didn't 'cause you love me.”

“Ah. The T factor. You trusted me because you knew I loved you. Our Lord’s more trustworthy than I. He’ll catch you, son. Every time.”

“How do you know?”

"He promises in His word He loves us with an everlasting love...”

“Maybe for you. I'm scared."

“Trust Him, son. Turn to Him. Crawl up in His arms. He'll hold you tight.”

“Even in the storm?”

“Absolutely. It's easy to trust when all is calm but in a storm? We need His strong arms around us.”

“Like now, with you?”

“Exactly.” He hugged his grandson a little tighter.

Kingdom Thinking. When I have trouble trusting my Lord, I remember He promises never to leave nor forsake me and to love me with an everlasting love. He catches me--every time. He offers the same to you. He’ll catch you--every time, too. Won’t you trust Him?

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 "At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." John 14:20. (NKJV).

"Grandfather?" Timmy called as he came home on Monday.

"In the kitchen."

"You can't believe what happened."

"Tell me."

"Remember Buster? The guy who said he was gonna beat me up?" 
Grandfather folded his arms, gave a quick nod. 

"Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Turned around and there was Buster, his fists punching the air."

"'Your day has come.' He started for me.

"'Before you do, I need to tell you something.' 

"'Quit stalling...'" 

"'Last summer at church camp I invited Jesus into my life. He promises He'll never leave me so if you beat me up, you beat the Lord Jesus up, too.'

"He stiffened. 'Then I'll wait 'til tomorrow.'

"Grandfather, please pray with me. I'm scared."

Hugging his grandson, he prayed for wisdom and protection.

Tuesday, Wednesday, the same question from Buster followed by Timmy's response.

Thursday, Buster came up to Timmy, fists threatening.

"Go ahead and beat me up, Buster. I'm tired of your threats."

"'Is Jesus still in you?" 

"Yes, He is. Don't you see? He promises He'll never leave me. And you know what? He loves me, too."

Buster's face fell. "He loves you that much?" He slumped. "Wish someone loved me."

Timmy tilted his head. "He does love you, Buster. You just haven't been introduced to Him. Would you like to know Him..."

"No. You don't understand. He can't love me. Done too many bad things."

"That's why He came, Buster. To save you and me from our sins. To wash us clean and make us new."

"I don't know. I don't deserve..."

"Come home with me. Grandfather can help you understand. He helps me all the time."

Later, Buster lagged behind Timmy. "Grandfather? Want you to meet my new friend." He smiled. "This is Buster."

"Welcome, Buster. Just fixing Timmy a snack. You wouldn't happen to be hungry?" At Buster's quick nod, he grinned. "Well now, there's plenty for the both of you. Have a seat."

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus arranges circumstances to show us His Amazing Love and Power. I can trust Him because He loves me with an everlasting love and promises to never leave nor forsake me. He offers the same to you. Won't you come?

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 “So he told it to his father and his brothers; and his father rebuked him and said to him, “What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall your mother and I and your brothers indeed come to bow down before you?’ And his brothers envied him, but his father kept the matter in mind.” Genesis 37:10 (NKJV).

“Would you like to bow down to Sam, to follow his every wish?”

“No way, Grandfather. He thinks he’s smarter than I am. He always has money and...”

“You’re saying you'd find it difficult?”

“I'd hate it.”

“So did Joseph’s brothers. His colored coat showed his importance. His brothers made fun of him. But when he told them his dreams, they would bow down to him? They’d had enough.”

“And they sold him into slavery?”

“Grandfather nodded. "For twenty shekels of silver. Under the going price.”

“Did they feel bad about selling their brother?”

“Hmm, they lied, killed a kid of a goat, dipped Joseph's fancy coat in its blood, and brought it to their father--all a big cover up.

“‘Look what we found.’ Their father recognized it, believed a wild animal had killed Joseph.”

“They never told what they’d done?”

“Not for years. I believe they were sorry but scared to admit it.”

“Would they get a chance later?” 

Grandfather smiled. “Timmy, our Gracious God is Good and always gives second chances. You can depend on Him.”  

“What about the dreams?”

“All in God’s timing, Timmy. What appears delayed to us, is God’s perfect timing.”

"Even if it's a cover up?"

"Absolutely. God has a plan. We're the ones who blame circumstances for our messing up...

"So if God has a plan, He'll carry it through?"

"Every time."

Timmy's brow furrowed. "If that's true, why do we try to do things ourselves?"

"Why indeed?"

"Wow. I'm glad God knows me and loves me anyway. So I have to trust Him?" He frowned. "You know, Grandfather. It's easy to say all this. But I have trouble trusting Him all the time."

"You and me both, son." He pulled him into a hug.

Kingdom Thinking. I must remember the Lord Jesus is always on time, never in a rush. He loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to leave nor forsake me. He is on time with you, too. Won’t you come to Him? He loves you.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


“Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:37-40. (NKJV).

Grandfather sipped his coffee in a booth at the Waffle House as Timmy finished his sausage and waffles.

“Look, Timmy.”

An old model station wagon chugged into the parking lot towing a U-Haul trailer. It stopped, steam escaping from under the hood. A man got out, opened the back door. Out tumbled three children. He reached inside, lifted a little girl with leg braces. She patted his face, a hand on each cheek. He stood by the vehicle, his wife joining him, a baby in her arms. They entered the restaurant, chose a booth away from the other diners.

“Would you like to do something fun?” Timmy glanced up from his waffle, and grinned.

He signaled for the waitress. “A favor, please?” She gave a quick nod. “I’d like to pay for the family seated over there.” He motioned with his head.

“Don’t know if that’s allowed. I’ll get my supervisor.” They watched as she whispered to her superior.

“Is there a problem?” she said, her eyebrows furrowed. Grandfather explained. "Sure we can do it. I’ll bring you the check as soon as they’ve ordered.”

Grandfather paid the bill and they left, much to Timmy's disappointment. “I wanted to see what they did.”

“No,” Grandfather said. “We’re sharing with those who have not. Maybe someday, they will pass it on. Kindness goes a long way.” 

“Oh, like a secret mission?” Timmy's eyes sparkled.

“Absolutely.” Grandfather chuckled. “Because we belong to the Lord Jesus, He allows us to share the joy of reaching out to others...”

“Like sowing seeds of kindness? Our Sunday school teacher talked about that.” He tilted his head. "Grandfather?"


“Was that family one of the least? You know, like the Bible verse says? ‘The least of these?’”

Grandfather smiled. "My job isn't about finding the least. My job is to act when I see someone in need. A strange thing happens then..."

"Your job turns to joy?"

He chuckled. “You got that right son.” He placed his hand over his heart. “Makes my heart…”

“Sing? Mine is singing, too! Love you, Grandfather.”

“Love you more, son.” He hugged his grandson. Really tight.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus lets us know the least deed done in His Name never goes unnoticed. Now that’s exciting. He is my supplier, my source—of life, love, and joy. Now I’m privileged to share as He directs. He promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, August 15, 2024


“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8-10. (NKJV).

“Do I have to go to church? So boring.”


“But Grandfather, I asked the Lord Jesus into my life and know I'm going to Heaven.”

“Have a ticket, do you?”

Timmy crossed his arms and propped against his pillows.

“You know, many folks say the same thing.”

“Really? I don't have to go?” He leaned forward.

“Listen for a minute, then decide.”

Timmy bit his lip, nodded.

“Back in the old west, a gentleman went to the stagecoach ticket office.

“‘One way to San Francisco.’

“‘First, second, or third class?’ the ticket master said.

“‘What's the difference?’

 “‘First class is most expensive, the second less, and so on.’

“‘Why should I pay more? Going the same place, right?’

“‘Right. However, you'll hear the driver yell when the coach reaches the first muddy hill.

“‘All second-class passengers get out and walk. All third-class passengers get out and push. All first-class passengers sit back and enjoy the ride.’”

Timmy bit his lip. “So what are you saying?”

“You tell me.”

“I have a third-class ticket?”

Grandfather chuckled, wiggled his eyebrows. “Sorry, son, but the expression on your face..."

“Not funny.” But the corners of Timmy's mouth twitched.

“I know you're heaven-bound, son, but I want you to choose the full life the Lord offers you.”

Timmy tilted his head. “My choice?”

“Absolutely. As you offer yourself to the Lord Jesus, you’ll find joy in the most unimaginable places..."

"How is that possible?"

"Ah, the secret. The Lord Jesus is with you mightily--in all you do and say."

“I want to be acceptable to the Lord Jesus. He loves me a whole lot, huh?”

A quivering lip, a fist bump and a hug left no doubt.

Kingdom Thinking. I thought I'd have to give up so much to follow the Lord Jesus. Not so. Goodness, righteousness and truth? All wonderful. But most of all? He loves me and promises never to forsake me. He offers the same to you. Won't you come?

Thursday, August 8, 2024


“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” 1 John 3:1. (NKJV).

“Hope I get to play.” Timmy tossed his baseball up, and caught it as he walked to the vacant lot.

“Where do you think you’re going?” A grubby hand snatched the ball. 

“Hey. Give it back.”

"I’ll give it back all right.” The boy hauled back, let go, and took off running.

A loud crack, then a kaleidoscope of colors reflected the sunlight from the shattered pieces of the store window. The door opened. Mr. Sam frowned, the baseball in his hand.

“This yours?” Timmy nodded.

“Come with me.” He pointed to a stool. “Sit. We need to decide how you’ll fix my window.”

“But I didn’t do it, --“

Mr Sam held up his hand. “I know. Your baseball, you fix it.”

“Don’t have much money but I’ll give you what I have.”

“Tell you what. I need someone to help me--sweep up, deliver packages, and such. You can work it off.”

“You’d do that? For me? After I caused your broken window?” Mr. Sam nodded and reached for Timmy’s hand. 


“Deal.” Eyebrow raised, his gaze met Mr. Sam's.

“I've broken a few windows in my time.” He smiled. “Wouldn't be here today if someone hadn't reached out and showed me a better way. A way to be kind and share love instead of hate. His manner of love changed my life. Fact is he led me to the Lord Jesus.” He poked Timmy's shoulder. 


Timmy chuckled. “Yes sir. Pass it on, sir.”

“Exactly. Now let's get this mess cleaned up.”

Timmy grinned, reached for the broom. “After I finish this, what's next?"

"Don't worry, son. I'll think of something." He smiled as he shook his head.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus offers the same to you.  He promises never to leave nor forsake you. He loves you with an everlasting love. And He will call you His child. Won’t you come?

Thursday, August 1, 2024


I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13. (NKJV).

“But they said we have no hope. Don’t you believe them?”

“No, Timmy. I don’t care how many people say something, doesn’t make it right.”

“But Grandfather...” 

“Timmy, remember the story of David and Goliath?” He opened his Bible to 1 Samuel 7. “Here’s David, a young shepherd boy, asking his big brothers and the rest of the army, what they'd do about Goliath, a big and scary giant.”

“Think David was scared?”

“Probably, but it didn't keep him from volunteering. They took him to King Saul who tried to protect David with his armor. Not good. One size doesn’t fit all.”

“Like me wearing your shoes?” Timmy laughed. “Each foot in a canoe!”

“Exactly.” Grandfather chuckled. “Can you imagine what happened when King Saul put his breastplate on David?” Timmy snickered.

“David depended on the Lord God. He ran towards the giant with his sling, picked up five stones, and said. ‘I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand.’

“He put a stone in his sling, slung it, hit Goliath in his forehead. He fell on his face to the earth.”

“Wait, Grandfather. Why could David fight when the others were scared?”

“The others thought Goliath was too big to fight. David thought he was too big to miss! It’s all about the way we see things. Remember, David fought a lion and a bear while protecting his sheep. The Lord trained David as a shepherd. He was ready.”

“I want to be trained and ready but do I have to fight lions and bears?”

“Hope not, son. But everyone has Goliaths in this boot camp life and God provides the stones. We know we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Therefore, we don’t lose heart.”

“So being scared isn't losing heart?”

“Not at all. Goliaths come at us screaming and threatening. They want us to turn and run.”

“We have to make a choice like David?”


“That's my choice, too, Grandfather.”

“Proud of you.” He hugged his grandson.

Kingdom Thinking. I find it easy to lose heart. So I choose to look at the Goliaths in my life and know the Lord Jesus has a plan. He loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to forsake me. He promises the same to you. Won’t you come?        

Thursday, July 25, 2024



“Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!' He said to them, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of then, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving thanks. And he was a Samaritan.” Luke 17:12-14b, 15. (NKJV).

“Grandfather, why did only one of the ten lepers come back and thank Him?”

“We're like that, Timmy. Not many of us have thankful hearts. We plead with God when we’re in trouble but don’t take the time to thank Him.” A knock at the back door interrupted them.

“I'll get it,” Timmy opened the door. “Johnny. What happened to you?”

“Come in, Johnny,” Grandfather said, tugging his right ear lobe, ignoring the bruise on Johnny’s face. The signal? Ask no questions.

“Would you join Timmy and me for a snack? All of you.” Heads down, his two little sisters, five and three, followed. Seating them at the kitchen table, Grandfather made them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and poured glasses of milk.

“I’m so glad to see you, Johnny. And you, Susan, and Lilly.” Lilly dipped her head.

“Grandfather, tell us a story.”

“Only if you’ll help me.” With mouths full, each nodded. The story, in full Grandfather story mode, brought hoots and giggles.

“Guess we need to get home.” As Johnny headed for the door, Grandfather handed him a basket.

“A few vegetables from the garden. Had a large crop this year. Don’t want them to go to waste.” Johnny took the basket and nodded his thanks, but little Lilly ran to Grandfather, hugging him tight.

They ambled down the walk, headed for their house. Lilly turned, waved. 

Timmy stared, blinked.

"Grandfather?" He threw his arms around him. “Please forgive me for not thanking you for loving me. I take so much for granted."

"We all do son. I love you more than I can express."

"Can we pray for Johnny and his family?”

“Absolutely.” He bowed his head. “Heavenly Father. We lift this family to You praying You will draw them to Yourself...Thank you, Lord. In Jesus Precious Name. Amen.”

“Thank you, Grandfather. Know what I'm most thankful for?”

“Tell me.”

“Most of all, I thank the Lord Jesus who gave me to you.”

With glistening eyes, he hugged his grandson. “A thankful heart.” He cleared his throat. “Best gift you could ever give me.”

Kingdom Thinking. I don’t know which of the ten lepers describe you, but most times, I’m one of the nine--glad for what I get, but not always with a thankful heart. The Lord Jesus healed all ten. He gave them a new life. He promises the same to you. He loves you and will never forsake you. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, July 18, 2024



“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” 1 John 5:14,15. (NKJV)

A barking raspy cough jerked him out of a sound sleep. "Grandfather?"

"Timmy.  Croup." He grabbed him, sat on the edge of the tub, turned on the hot water to let the steam ease the throat spasms.
Minutes later, Timmy sat propped up in bed, pillows supporting him. 

“Your medicine, son. Open wide.” Grandfather spooned in the pink liquid between bouts of coughing.

As the medicine and the steam treatment took effect, Timmy looked at Grandfather, his eyes shimmering with tears. He swiped at them with his pajama sleeve. “Dinner’s out for tomorrow? I wanted to see my cousins.” More coughing.

“One thing I know, without a doubt. The Lord answers prayer.” Grandfather gathered him in his arms. As he prayed for his precious grandson, he felt his body relax. Sleep came, his breathing easy. Grandfather laid his head on the pillows, and tucked the covers around him.

“Thank you, Heavenly Father.” He sat on the bed, hand on his grandson's shoulder, head bowed.

The next morning after breakfast, Timmy said. “I’m ready.” He zipped his jacket. “Come on, Grandfather. Let’s be first to arrive.” Grandfather smiled, grabbed his coat and truck keys.

The late November weather, ushered in a promise of rain, ominous clouds swirling. The wind tugged at Grandfather’s hat. “Timmy,” he said, then snapped his mouth shut. Sorry, Lord, for almost voicing negative thoughts. 

“Yes, Grandfather.” Timmy clicked his seat belt, glanced up.

“You’re looking mighty fine this morning. Feeling well?”

“Yessir.” He drew in a deep breath. “Don’t have to hold my breath today--'cause I'm not sick now."

"What an awesome God we serve, son. Just think. In the past few hours, we witnessed your breathing go from difficult to easy."

"Not just breathing, Grandfather. I can breathe deep." He sucked in a deep breath, let it out.

"That you can and I'm so grateful."

"Me, too, Grandfather. I can't wait to see my cousins. We'll have a great time."

"That you will, son."

"I heard you praying when I couldn't breathe. I'm so glad God heard you. He must love us a whole lot."

"More than we can imagine, son. More than we can imagine."

"Can I tell my cousins?"

"Great idea, son. That's why we're here. To go and tell."

"To tell and have fun. Wow. Can't beat that." He fist-bumped his grandfather.

Kingdom Thinking. I have confidence in Him, the Lord Jesus, because He promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. I don’t have to hold my breath or wonder if He cares. He wants you to have confidence in Him. Won’t you come?

Thursday, July 11, 2024



“Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, Therefore I hope in Him!’” Lamentations 3:22-24. (NKJV).

“How can you say God is good? He takes away everything I love.”

Grandfather sat on the edge of the sofa, his arm around Timmy. He handed him his handkerchief.

“I feel the same at times.”

“You do?” He stared. “But you're always smiling.”

“Everyone goes through pain and suffering. It's not whether we have pain, it's how we deal with it.” He sat back, and crossed his legs.

“Doesn't make sense. Why can't life be easy?”

“We wouldn't have a story to tell. It would be 'Once upon a time they lived. The end.”

“That's not a story. Nothing happened.” 
“You're right. You need action. And in our life story, things happen and we react. We have choices to make in our ups and downs. Which story would you prefer? ‘She walked home.’ Or 'She tripped on a rock, fell, skint her knee...” 

“I get it.” He searched Grandfather's face. “But I’m still sad.” 

“As you should be. You loved Buddy. That little Boston Bull terrier was your shadow. When you give your love, and lose it, an empty place remains.

“Bad things happen, son. But I'm not consumed or destroyed because of the Lord's great mercy. We are His children and the Lord is always faithful. So I hope in Him."

“Even when you don't feel like it?”

“Especially when I don't feel like it.”

“Thank you, Grandfather, for loving me.” He hugged him. “I'll hope in the Lord, too.” He cocked his head. “It's still hard.”

“Know this, son. His compassion never fails. He is our Hope.” He pulled his grandson into a hug.

Kingdom Thinking. What about you? Do you know the Lord's mercies are new every morning? He loves you with an everlasting love and promises never to leave nor forsake you. Won't you come to Him?

Thursday, July 4, 2024


“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:20,21. (NKJV).

“Look, Mama,” the seven-year-old said, bouncing on tiptoe. “I see the American Flag. It's dancing in the wind.”

They watched the wind furl and snap the beautiful Star-bangled Banner in the brilliant sunshine, a sight to behold. 

The Fourth of July Celebration at the American Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. The family had lived in San Jose for six months while attending language school. Now they'd been invited to join the other Americans to celebrate this special holiday.

For a while, they'd stand on a little piece of American soil and eat hot dogs, hamburgers, and all things American. Citizens of the United States of America living in a land, not their final home.

“Grandfather, was this when your family lived there?”

“It was. When I look back it was a time that showed me what home is all about.”

“What do you mean?”

“As we live on this earth daily, we're being prepared for our eternal home, where we're citizens.”

“I don't understand.”

“Well, son. Our citizenship is in Heaven. A gift from our Heavenly Father who arranges for us to remain on earth in training--a type of boot camp. 

“This program with the ups and downs in life helps to develop spiritual muscles needed in this world to share hope with those around us. Do we have Pain? Yes. Gain? Yes. Great joy? Absolutely!”

“Wow. That's why we go through so much stuff?”

“I believe so. Once in a while, I get a glimpse, a surge of joy. Like when you accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior.”

Timmy stared at Grandfather. “So all this stuff we go through is teaching us a lesson?” Grandfather smiled. “Then why don't we celebrate all the time?

“Let's celebrate now!” He grabbed his grandfather's arm, did a little jig. They doubled over laughing.

Kingdom Thinking. In this world, it appears I have dual citizenship. For now, I live in boot camp. One day, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, will transform this boot camp body so it will be conformed into a glorious body like His. He promises this, not only to me, but to you. Won't you choose Him?

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 “Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, 'Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?' So Jesus said to him, 'You know the commandments.' And he said, 'All these things I have kept from my youth.’” Luke 18: 18, 20a, 21. (NKJV).

“Is this an exciting story? Like David and his mighty men?” Timmy saw Grandfather's eyebrow arch. “Okay, I’ll listen.” He sat, chin propped on his hand.

“A young man came to Jesus and asked how to inherit eternal life. The Lord Jesus looked at him, said, 'You know the commandments.'

“'I’ve kept all those since I was young,' he said.

“'Sell everything you have, give it to the poor, and follow me.’ And you know what?” Timmy shook his head. “He left. He couldn’t do it.”

“Sounds like he was selfish.”

“No more than you or me.”

“If I had a lot of money, I’d give it to the Lord.”

“How much money do you have, son?”

“Not much. Um, I spent it on a new baseball bat.”

“No problem. Give away your new bat."

“Oh, no, Grandfather, it’s my favorite--” Timmy stared at Grandfather. “Money was the young man’s favorite?” Grandfather smiled.

“It’s wrong to be rich or have toys?”

“No, but we must be careful our love for things isn't more powerful than our love for the Lord. He gives us all things--to enjoy, and to share with others.”

“Do you think the young man ever came back to Jesus?”

“The Lord did give him a lot to think about.”

“He loved him, didn't He?”

“He did.”

“You know what? I hope the young man had someone like you. If he did, I believe he came back to the Lord Jesus.”

“The Lord does put certain folks in our lives to love and direct us.”

“I'm glad you're in my life. I know I can ask 'What shall I do,' and you'll help me.” He hugged his grandfather and got a big hug in return.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus knows my heart and loves me anyway. He knows the things I value and put before Him and He's in the process of showing me what’s important in the Kingdom. He wants to do the same for you. He loves you and will never leave you. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, June 20, 2024


“Then the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?’” Luke 18:6-8. (NKJV).

“What’re you mumbling about, Timmy?”

“Old Mrs Jones yelled at me. She--”

“Hold it. Don’t like your tone of voice. Did you cut through her yard?” Timmy opened his mouth but Grandfather held up his hand. “She hopes to win a prize with her dahlias.” He patted the step by him. “Have a seat.”

“Widows are special to our Lord. One little widow needed help from an enemy so she went to an unjust judge. He didn’t fear God or man.”

“Why didn’t she go to a good judge?” Grandfather lifted his left eyebrow.

“Anyway, when his secretary announced the little widow lady, he ignored her. She wanted the judge to get her justice. The judge didn’t want to get involved. ‘She'll get tired of waiting and leave,’ he said.

“But she sat down, took out her knitting, and got to work. Even had a snack with her. Every time the secretary looked her way, she smiled.”

Timmy tilted his head. “Grandfather, is that in the Bible?”

“I’m using a story based on the Bible to let you know how important the little widow is.” Grandfather furrowed his eyebrows. “Imagine with me, will you? Thank you.

“After hours of her waiting, the judge said, ‘This little widow is driving me crazy. If I don’t help her, she’s never going to leave.'”

“Little widow ladies must be important for Jesus to tell that story.”  

Grandfather nodded. 

“Even if they aren’t nice all the time?” 

“Has nothing to do with it.”

“Hmm. I’d better ask Mrs. Jones if I can help in her garden.” 

Grandfather smiled. “She'll appreciate your help, son.”

“You think so?”

“Without a doubt.” He smiled. “Son?”


“I'm proud of you.” He hugged his grandson.

Kingdom Thinking. When I go through disappointment or loss, I feel alone but I choose to remember the Lord Jesus promises to love me and never leave me. He's faithful and true and nothing like the unjust judge. He promises the same to you. Won’t you come?