Thursday, March 29, 2018


In John 3:16-17, we read: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

“I don’t understand, Grandfather. How do I know God loves me?”

Grandfather leaned back in his porch rocker, stared across the yard.

“Timmy, did you hear how Sara rescued her kitten?” Timmy shook his head.

“One day, as she drove home, someone threw a paper bag into the medium of a busy four lane street. The wind from passing cars buffeted the bag, causing it to twist and turn. The bag opened, out popped the head of a kitten.” Timmy sucked in his breath.

“What happened?”

“Sara maneuvered into the medium, put on her flashers, jumped out. She grabbed the bag and headed for the vet. The mewing terrified kitten, after treatment, went home with her.

“That kitten doesn’t know much about love, not even the Four Spiritual Laws, but he knows Sara reached down and rescued him. For that, he loves her and trusts her in an amazing way.”

“Wow. How can anyone be so mean? That’s some story.” Grandfather nodded.

“I was like Sara’s kitten. Lost in the world, the traffic whizzing by, paying no attention. But the Lord Jesus did. He stepped out of His heavenly home, came to earth as a lowly man, to rescue me, a sinner. He reached down and picked me up from the world’s harsh traffic. I don’t understand why He did, but I know I am eternally grateful.”

“Am I one of His kittens, Grandfather?”

“You are. You know He loves you.” Grandfather pulled Timmy into a hug.

Kingdom Thinking. When I think about the little kitten, I remember that I, too, was in the same predicament. Traffic zipped by, causing the bag to twist and turn. Then the Lord Jesus picked me up, rescued me. He loves me with an everlasting love and He promises never to leave me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?