Thursday, October 10, 2024


 “The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17. (NKJV).

“Grandfather.” Timmy poked his shoulder. “Somebody's screaming.” His voice quivered. “I’m scared.” 

Jerked from sleep, Grandfather grabbed his robe. “You see anything?” Timmy shook his head.

“Listen,” Timmy stilled, hid behind Grandfather. A harsh scream pierced the silence. “I thought it was a nightmare but heard it again.”

“Hand me your flashlight.” He walked to the window
 in Timmy’s room, stood quietly.

When the mysterious noise sounded, Grandfather flashed his light. In the backyard, a red fox posed.

“Cute fellow, isn’t he?” Grandfather put his arm around his grandson. “Don't get too friendly with him. He's out looking for a mate.” Just then, the fox looked their way, then trotted into the darkness.

“Wow. He makes a racket when he talks!”

Grandfather chuckled. “That fox jerked you from a deep sleep, son. When our enemy causes fear, run to the Lord. He is The Mighty One. He rejoices when you come to Him. He will quiet your fear with His Love--”

“Like you did, Grandfather?” He shivered. “In the light, the fox is beautiful but kind of scary.”

Grandfather squeezed his shoulder. “Right. Night visitors come in nightmares and real-time. I choose to remember the Lord is in our midst, period. He is the Mighty One."

"I know He is but sometimes I forget. I'm glad you're here, Grandfather."

"As am I." He swallowed. "Seems our night visitor's long gone. Since we're up and wide awake, how about a cup of hot chocolate?” 

"All right." Timmy pumped the air, led the way to the kitchen.

Kingdom Thinking. Whether it’s a hurricane on its way or a serious illness, I choose to remember I am not alone. The Lord promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. In my fear, His love brings quiet to my heart. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come to Him?

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