In 2 Corinthians 5:21, we read: “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
“Grandfather. Sam's dad invited us to go to the car show Saturday morning.” He gave a thumbs up.
At the show, Timmy pointed, “Check out that red sports car."
“Have a seat inside, fellows,” the owner urged. They took turns sitting under the wheel.
“Man, this car's made for racing.” Low slung to hug the curves, bright fire-engine red, the inside provided every feature imaginable.
“Let’s look under the hood,” Grandfather walked to the car.
“First check out the safety precautions. Special tires, the reinforced roll bar...”
“How many horses? Pop the hood.” Sam’s dad said.
Gasps. A new engine but no battery or spark plugs--all the safety features in the world but powerless--incapable of fulfilling its purpose.
“Can you believe it, Grandfather? The outside looked perfect, so I thought...” Grandfather put his arm around Timmy.
“A disappointment, son, but look at this as a lesson in life. You couldn’t tell something was missing. A lot of people are like this.” Timmy’s brow wrinkled.
“They keep up the paint job, appear all is well but lack the power source of life--The Lord Jesus.”
“What can we do about it?”
“We share the Lord Jesus by our actions and words.” Grandfather held up his hand. “During this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, folks are scared. They feel powerless. They need to hear God loves them and wants to empower them with His love.”
“So be kind?” Grandfather smiled.
“That’s a great place to start.”
Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus, who knew no sin, swapped places with me, took my sin, nailed it to the cross, and became my power source. He declared me righteous in Him, not because of who I am or what I did. He promises to love me forever. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?
“Grandfather. Sam's dad invited us to go to the car show Saturday morning.” He gave a thumbs up.

“Have a seat inside, fellows,” the owner urged. They took turns sitting under the wheel.
“Man, this car's made for racing.” Low slung to hug the curves, bright fire-engine red, the inside provided every feature imaginable.
“Let’s look under the hood,” Grandfather walked to the car.
“First check out the safety precautions. Special tires, the reinforced roll bar...”
“How many horses? Pop the hood.” Sam’s dad said.
Gasps. A new engine but no battery or spark plugs--all the safety features in the world but powerless--incapable of fulfilling its purpose.
“Can you believe it, Grandfather? The outside looked perfect, so I thought...” Grandfather put his arm around Timmy.
“A disappointment, son, but look at this as a lesson in life. You couldn’t tell something was missing. A lot of people are like this.” Timmy’s brow wrinkled.
“They keep up the paint job, appear all is well but lack the power source of life--The Lord Jesus.”
“What can we do about it?”
“We share the Lord Jesus by our actions and words.” Grandfather held up his hand. “During this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, folks are scared. They feel powerless. They need to hear God loves them and wants to empower them with His love.”
“So be kind?” Grandfather smiled.
“That’s a great place to start.”
Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus, who knew no sin, swapped places with me, took my sin, nailed it to the cross, and became my power source. He declared me righteous in Him, not because of who I am or what I did. He promises to love me forever. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?