Thursday, July 25, 2024



“Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!' He said to them, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of then, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving thanks. And he was a Samaritan.” Luke 17:12-14b, 15. (NKJV).

“Grandfather, why did only one of the ten lepers come back and thank Him?”

“We're like that, Timmy. Not many of us have thankful hearts. We plead with God when we’re in trouble but don’t take the time to thank Him.” A knock at the back door interrupted them.

“I'll get it,” Timmy opened the door. “Johnny. What happened to you?”

“Come in, Johnny,” Grandfather said, tugging his right ear lobe, ignoring the bruise on Johnny’s face. The signal? Ask no questions.

“Would you join Timmy and me for a snack? All of you.” Heads down, his two little sisters, five and three, followed. Seating them at the kitchen table, Grandfather made them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and poured glasses of milk.

“I’m so glad to see you, Johnny. And you, Susan, and Lilly.” Lilly dipped her head.

“Grandfather, tell us a story.”

“Only if you’ll help me.” With mouths full, each nodded. The story, in full Grandfather story mode, brought hoots and giggles.

“Guess we need to get home.” As Johnny headed for the door, Grandfather handed him a basket.

“A few vegetables from the garden. Had a large crop this year. Don’t want them to go to waste.” Johnny took the basket and nodded his thanks, but little Lilly ran to Grandfather, hugging him tight.

They ambled down the walk, headed for their house. Lilly turned, waved. 

Timmy stared, blinked.

"Grandfather?" He threw his arms around him. “Please forgive me for not thanking you for loving me. I take so much for granted."

"We all do son. I love you more than I can express."

"Can we pray for Johnny and his family?”

“Absolutely.” He bowed his head. “Heavenly Father. We lift this family to You praying You will draw them to Yourself...Thank you, Lord. In Jesus Precious Name. Amen.”

“Thank you, Grandfather. Know what I'm most thankful for?”

“Tell me.”

“Most of all, I thank the Lord Jesus who gave me to you.”

With glistening eyes, he hugged his grandson. “A thankful heart.” He cleared his throat. “Best gift you could ever give me.”

Kingdom Thinking. I don’t know which of the ten lepers describe you, but most times, I’m one of the nine--glad for what I get, but not always with a thankful heart. The Lord Jesus healed all ten. He gave them a new life. He promises the same to you. He loves you and will never forsake you. Won’t you come to Him?

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