Thursday, July 6, 2017


In Galatians 4:6-7 we read: "And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”

“Grandfather, what’s an heir?” Timmy lowered the book in his hands.

Grandfather laid his paper on the footstool. “Well, an heir is one that inherits.” Timmy's forehead wrinkled. “Unless you’re referring to someone that pretends--puts on aires, or to the air we breathe?”

A giggling Timmy said. “You’re funny. I’m not talking about the stuff we breath or...”

Grandfather sobered. “All joking aside, becoming an heir is serious business. The responsibilities,  land, riches or debts, have now come into his possession. Taxes must be paid, transfer of titles--legal matters must be settled.” Timmy cocked his head.

“Once we become heirs, we take control of the inheritance. What happened in your book?”

“The young boy was separated from his father when their carriage overturned. Someone snatched him. Made him his slave. This happened a long time ago,” he explained. “For years he didn’t know who he really was. One day, he saw an older gentleman attacked by thieves, came to his rescue.

“The grateful man invited him to his home to reward him. He looked at the young man, asked him to look at a painting.

“‘That looks like me,' the slave said. ‘But I’ve never dressed like the man in the portrait.'

 “'That’s a portrait of me when I was your age. Who is your father?'

“‘I never knew my father. I’ve been a slave all my life.’

“'And my son was kidnapped at a young age. He has a birthmark on his forehead at his hairline.'
He smoothed back the young man’s hair. He gasped, then his eyes filled. 'Welcome home, son.’ And they lived happily ever after.” Grandfather smiled.

Kingdom Thinking. For years, I lived as a slave. Then The Lord Jesus came, paid my debts, set me free. Now I say, “Abba, Father!” An heir of God through Jesus Christ. He promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. He extends this invitation to you. Please come.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


        We arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica, in January. Language school--studying a new language, new culture, new friends--could be overwhelming. Sometimes it would be nice to hear English spoken as first language.

        Then on July 4, we were invited to the United States Embassy in San Jose. As I stood there, a little jolt zipped through me--the joy similar to that of Frances Scott Keys when he saw the flag was still there? Old Glory flew proudly in the July breeze.

        Standing on a little piece of the United States felt--well, almost like home. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the trimmings were served. A glorious day to remember.

        When I accepted the invitation to be a part of the family of God, I felt a teensy bit of what Eternity will be like--with loved ones and friends. But all that fades in comparison to the Glory of the Lord Jesus and His Love for me. A most glorious day to look forward to. Because He lives and loves me, I, too, share the invitation with you! Celebrate!