Thursday, August 10, 2023


“For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.” Matthew 25:14-15. (NKJV).

“How can I interest them in church.” She nibbled her lower lip. Her nieces and nephews flipped through comic books, laughing and talking. She stood behind the counter at the family drug store. Ah. It just might work.

“Who would like to earn a nickel a day?”

Heads swiveled. “I would.”

“Me, too.” A couple raised their hands.

“What do we have to do?” Bubba said. “Clean out the back room?” He wrinkled his nose.

“No.” Her periwinkle blue eyes twinkled. “But that would be great. I’ll give you a nickel a day if--“

“If? What's the catch?”

“You go to Sunday School with me every Sunday.”

“That’s all? I can do that.” Bubba eyed the others. “Y’all in?” Nods all around.

“Did they, Grandfather? Every Sunday?”

“Without fail. Unless they were ill. 

“They met at her home and accompanied her to Sunday School.” He chuckled. “After several Sundays, they sat with her in church.”

“Is that all they had to do?”

“Timmy, what she thought a ploy to get them to church paid off in dividends.”


Grandfather nodded. “Yep. A godly mother, a faithful father, a minister and a missionary came from her little group.”

“Wait. Our family's drugstore? You?”

He grinned “When my aunt made her promise to us, she used talents the Lord gave her.”

“They multiplied, didn't they?”

“Absolutely. Who knows how many folks came to know the Lord Jesus because of her obedience.”

“I want to be obedient, Grandfather." His grandfather's hug was louder than any amen.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus blesses us with different talents. But more than that, He allows us to use them in His Kingdom for His Glory and our good. He loves us and never forsakes us. Won’t you choose Him? He gives the talents. You share them.