Thursday, September 12, 2024


 “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3. (NKJV).

Lightning flashed. A clap of thunder shook the house. Timmy inched closer to Grandfather on the sofa. 

“Why aren't you scared?”  

“Look at this.” In his Bible, he'd nestled a picture of a mother bird on her nest. Lightning slashed, rain pelted her. Head tucked under her wing, she slept.

“Why do you think she can sleep through the storm?”

“Her nest doesn’t look safe.” Timmy squinted at the picture. 

“It’s all about trust. Her nest is secure and she’ll be able to protect her chicks.”

“But Grandfather, how if the nest falls?”

“She trusts it won’t.”

“But how if lightning strikes the tree? How if--?” Grandfather held up his hand.

“Trusting is difficult. Impossible, really.” Timmy blinked. “Unless you realize the T factor,” Grandfather said.

“The T factor?” his eyebrows tilted.

“When you were a little fellow, you’d climb to the top of the slide in the swimming pool's deep end. ‘Come on, Timmy, I’ll catch you.’ Down you'd come and with you in my arms, we’d go under and come up laughing. Remember?”

“I knew you would catch me, Grandfather.” 

 “How if I dropped you?”

“But you didn't 'cause you love me.”

“Ah. The T factor. You trusted me because you knew I loved you. Our Lord’s more trustworthy than I. He’ll catch you, son. Every time.”

“How do you know?”

"He promises in His word He loves us with an everlasting love...”

“Maybe for you. I'm scared."

“Trust Him, son. Turn to Him. Crawl up in His arms. He'll hold you tight.”

“Even in the storm?”

“Absolutely. It's easy to trust when all is calm but in a storm? We need His strong arms around us.”

“Like now, with you?”

“Exactly.” He hugged his grandson a little tighter.

Kingdom Thinking. When I have trouble trusting my Lord, I remember He promises never to leave nor forsake me and to love me with an everlasting love. He catches me--every time. He offers the same to you. He’ll catch you--every time, too. Won’t you trust Him?