Thursday, June 6, 2019


In 1 Corinthians 5:8, we read: “Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump.”

“What are you making, Grandmother?"

“I’m making rolls, Cing. Want to help?” She dragged a stool to the kitchen counter, said.

“Wait for me.” She eyed the mixing bowl, along with the ingredients, gathered on the counter.
Grandmother measured the ingredients, handed them to Cing who dumped them into the bowl.

“Grandmother, why do the rolls get big when we put them in the oven?”

“See this bowl?” Cing nodded. “It’s yeast with a little sugar and water added or its other name is leaven.”

“It’s bubbling.”

“That’s how it works. We mix it into our bread mixture, then the yeast feeds off the sugar, multiplies, gives off the byproducts of carbon dioxide and alcohol. As the bread cooks, the heat kills the yeast, leaving tiny holes in the bread while the alcohol evaporates.”

Cing looked at Grandmother. “The rolls get infected with that stuff? I don’t understand but I like your rolls. They’re delicious.” Grandmother smiled.

“The Bible calls sin in our lives, leaven. We can see the results of it but it works undercover. A lot of times we’re not aware of its power and don’t remember allowing it into our lives.”

“I watched you put the leaven in the mixture.” She tilted her head, a frown on her forehead.

“Yes,” she nodded. “But really you saw the bubbling and knew it was working. You never saw the leaven itself. The Bible instructs us to purge out the old leaven--half truths, bad attitudes...”

 “Not being nice to my bother?” Cing added. Grandmother smiled.

“Instead of giving up, I turn to the Lord, ask His forgiveness. He washes away the leaven--the infection of sin.”

“Will he wash mine away, too?” She nodded, hugged her granddaughter.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. He will remove the leaven from your life and restore you to wholeness. Won’t you come?