Thursday, June 3, 2021


“Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast in the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Has God indeed said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” Genesis 3:1. (NKJV).

"Timmy. Don't move."

Grandfather crept to the pile of pine straw by the log.

"You can move, son." He took a deep breath. "It's a Scarlet Kingsnake, not a Coral. Not poisonous.”

“How can you tell one from the other?” He frowned, looked from Grandfather to the snake.

“An old poem helps. ‘Red on yellow can kill a fellow, red on black is safe for Jack.”

“What if I can’t remember the poem? I. I froze. I stared at the snake and he stared right back at me.”

Grandfather chuckled. “One thing for sure. You need to be able to identify the enemy. Three snakes in our area are banded with similar colors--the Scarlet Kingsnake, the Scarlet snake, and the Coral snake. The Coral snake is poisonous.”

“It. It really scared me.” Timmy hiccupped.

“Good. We need to fear the enemy. His bite is deadly. But, not if you receive anti-venom.” Timmy’s forehead furrowed. “It is made from the venom of the snake. Antibodies develop. If a venomous snake bites us, the anti-venom neutralizes the poison.”

“The venom doesn’t kill us?” 

“Not if we take the anti-venom.

"The Lord Jesus took the bite of death for us, Timmy. He chose to have the anti-venom created in His body by dying on the cross so when we come to Him with the bite of death, His blood gives us life.”

Kingdom Thinking. I stand amazed the Lord Jesus took the bite of death for me. So by Him, the anti-venom is available to anyone who receives it. He loves me with an everlasting love. He promises never to leave nor forsake me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you receive Him?