Thursday, July 4, 2024


“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.” Philippians 3:20,21. (NKJV).

“Look, Mama,” the seven-year-old said, bouncing on tiptoe. “I see the American Flag. It's dancing in the wind.”

They watched the wind furl and snap the beautiful Star-bangled Banner in the brilliant sunshine, a sight to behold. 

The Fourth of July Celebration at the American Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. The family had lived in San Jose for six months while attending language school. Now they'd been invited to join the other Americans to celebrate this special holiday.

For a while, they'd stand on a little piece of American soil and eat hot dogs, hamburgers, and all things American. Citizens of the United States of America living in a land, not their final home.

“Grandfather, was this when your family lived there?”

“It was. When I look back it was a time that showed me what home is all about.”

“What do you mean?”

“As we live on this earth daily, we're being prepared for our eternal home, where we're citizens.”

“I don't understand.”

“Well, son. Our citizenship is in Heaven. A gift from our Heavenly Father who arranges for us to remain on earth in training--a type of boot camp. 

“This program with the ups and downs in life helps to develop spiritual muscles needed in this world to share hope with those around us. Do we have Pain? Yes. Gain? Yes. Great joy? Absolutely!”

“Wow. That's why we go through so much stuff?”

“I believe so. Once in a while, I get a glimpse, a surge of joy. Like when you accepted the Lord Jesus as your savior.”

Timmy stared at Grandfather. “So all this stuff we go through is teaching us a lesson?” Grandfather smiled. “Then why don't we celebrate all the time?

“Let's celebrate now!” He grabbed his grandfather's arm, did a little jig. They doubled over laughing.

Kingdom Thinking. In this world, it appears I have dual citizenship. For now, I live in boot camp. One day, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, will transform this boot camp body so it will be conformed into a glorious body like His. He promises this, not only to me, but to you. Won't you choose Him?