Thursday, July 18, 2024



“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” 1 John 5:14,15. (NKJV)

A barking raspy cough jerked him out of a sound sleep. "Grandfather?"

"Timmy.  Croup." He grabbed him, sat on the edge of the tub, turned on the hot water to let the steam ease the throat spasms.
Minutes later, Timmy sat propped up in bed, pillows supporting him. 

“Your medicine, son. Open wide.” Grandfather spooned in the pink liquid between bouts of coughing.

As the medicine and the steam treatment took effect, Timmy looked at Grandfather, his eyes shimmering with tears. He swiped at them with his pajama sleeve. “Dinner’s out for tomorrow? I wanted to see my cousins.” More coughing.

“One thing I know, without a doubt. The Lord answers prayer.” Grandfather gathered him in his arms. As he prayed for his precious grandson, he felt his body relax. Sleep came, his breathing easy. Grandfather laid his head on the pillows, and tucked the covers around him.

“Thank you, Heavenly Father.” He sat on the bed, hand on his grandson's shoulder, head bowed.

The next morning after breakfast, Timmy said. “I’m ready.” He zipped his jacket. “Come on, Grandfather. Let’s be first to arrive.” Grandfather smiled, grabbed his coat and truck keys.

The late November weather, ushered in a promise of rain, ominous clouds swirling. The wind tugged at Grandfather’s hat. “Timmy,” he said, then snapped his mouth shut. Sorry, Lord, for almost voicing negative thoughts. 

“Yes, Grandfather.” Timmy clicked his seat belt, glanced up.

“You’re looking mighty fine this morning. Feeling well?”

“Yessir.” He drew in a deep breath. “Don’t have to hold my breath today--'cause I'm not sick now."

"What an awesome God we serve, son. Just think. In the past few hours, we witnessed your breathing go from difficult to easy."

"Not just breathing, Grandfather. I can breathe deep." He sucked in a deep breath, let it out.

"That you can and I'm so grateful."

"Me, too, Grandfather. I can't wait to see my cousins. We'll have a great time."

"That you will, son."

"I heard you praying when I couldn't breathe. I'm so glad God heard you. He must love us a whole lot."

"More than we can imagine, son. More than we can imagine."

"Can I tell my cousins?"

"Great idea, son. That's why we're here. To go and tell."

"To tell and have fun. Wow. Can't beat that." He fist-bumped his grandfather.

Kingdom Thinking. I have confidence in Him, the Lord Jesus, because He promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. I don’t have to hold my breath or wonder if He cares. He wants you to have confidence in Him. Won’t you come?