“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:9. (NKJV).

The Greyhound bus honked as it rounded the corner. A man and woman got off clutching shopping bags loaded with Christmas gifts. They made for our drugstore, heads bowed, the January’s arctic blast quickening their pace.
Daddy grabbed the door, held it open. “Can I help you, folks?”
“We need to reach my sister’s home. Couldn’t make it for Christmas. Family illness.” The man gave the name and area. “Any taxi available?"
“Afraid not but I know the place. After we close, I’ll be glad to drive you.”
Their luggage loaded, Daddy drove miles out of town, turned onto a dirt lane poxed with potholes. The headlights splashed a ditch bank thick with Chinaberry trees, scrub oak, and tangled vines. At the end of the lane, the lights spotlighted a small unpainted house, porch sagging, steps holding on for dear life.
A woman opened the door and a young girl peeped around her.
A woman opened the door and a young girl peeped around her.
"Mama, they came," the girl said, her eyes large as she flipped her blond pigtails.
Her mother nodded, "Come in y'all. Take seats."
The front room served as living room, dining room and kitchen. Newspapers covered the walls. A metal trash burner provided a cooking surface and heat. A bright afghan disguised an old sofa. Three mismatched chairs surrounded the kitchen table.
The girl was about my age--maybe ten years old with dimples flashing when she smiled.
After the hugs and greetings, the woman said, “Honey, show them your gift from Santa." She ran into the other room and returned, holding up a hanger displaying a little yellow sweater with pearl buttons down the front.
Many years have passed. I don’t remember one of my Christmas gifts but I'll never forget Honey and her little yellow sweater. I thought we did the couple a favor by taking them to family but I received so much more. I saw a family who loved enough to come and a little girl who gave me a gift--a lesson in joy when we don’t lose heart.
Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus became The Gift for me--lovingkindness, forgiveness and joy, but especially the gift of eternal life. He loves me and promises never to leave me. He offers the same gift to you. Won’t you receive Him?
The girl was about my age--maybe ten years old with dimples flashing when she smiled.
After the hugs and greetings, the woman said, “Honey, show them your gift from Santa." She ran into the other room and returned, holding up a hanger displaying a little yellow sweater with pearl buttons down the front.
Many years have passed. I don’t remember one of my Christmas gifts but I'll never forget Honey and her little yellow sweater. I thought we did the couple a favor by taking them to family but I received so much more. I saw a family who loved enough to come and a little girl who gave me a gift--a lesson in joy when we don’t lose heart.
Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus became The Gift for me--lovingkindness, forgiveness and joy, but especially the gift of eternal life. He loves me and promises never to leave me. He offers the same gift to you. Won’t you receive Him?
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