In Isaiah 40:31, we read: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
“Grandfather, look.” Timmy pointed to a bald eagle soaring on the thermals. “Looks easy, huh?”
“An amazing bird, Timmy. He was born to soar--didn’t have to take a course in it.” They watched the eagle circle with the greatest of ease. “How’d you like to fly like that?”
“I wish! You can see the whole world from up there.” They watched the eagle dive to the lake. He hovered, plucked a fish with its talons, and ascended, the fish flapping.
“Probably taking a meal to his young in the nest. He watches over the fledglings. Makes sure they’re provided for.”
“Do the young look like the parent?” Timmy squinted, watching the bird fly towards a tall pine.
“They’re dark brown but mottled, won’t have the coloring of the parent for about five years.” He turned to his grandson. “You have characteristics of your parents and me now,” Grandfather chuckled. “But when you’re an adult, they’ll be more pronounced."
“What’s that got to do with the Bible verse?” Grandfather smiled.
“Like the eagle, the Lord watches over us. He feeds us His Word to nourish us. When we get tired, He swoops down, lifts us up.”
“When did He do that for me?” Timmy’s lips tightened.
“More than you realize. He works through those around you. Sometimes in the most unexpected places, He provides for your needs. Want to know why?” Timmy nodded.
“Because He loves us more than we can imagine. He asks us to wait on Him so He can renew our strength.” Timmy’s face brightened, a huge smile on his face.
Kingdom Thinking. During this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, I choose to remember the Lord Jesus provides for me. He is my strength. He loves me with an everlasting love and He promises never to leave nor forsake me. Do you need to be lifted up today? Call on Him.

“An amazing bird, Timmy. He was born to soar--didn’t have to take a course in it.” They watched the eagle circle with the greatest of ease. “How’d you like to fly like that?”
“I wish! You can see the whole world from up there.” They watched the eagle dive to the lake. He hovered, plucked a fish with its talons, and ascended, the fish flapping.
“Probably taking a meal to his young in the nest. He watches over the fledglings. Makes sure they’re provided for.”
“Do the young look like the parent?” Timmy squinted, watching the bird fly towards a tall pine.
“They’re dark brown but mottled, won’t have the coloring of the parent for about five years.” He turned to his grandson. “You have characteristics of your parents and me now,” Grandfather chuckled. “But when you’re an adult, they’ll be more pronounced."
“What’s that got to do with the Bible verse?” Grandfather smiled.
“Like the eagle, the Lord watches over us. He feeds us His Word to nourish us. When we get tired, He swoops down, lifts us up.”
“When did He do that for me?” Timmy’s lips tightened.
“More than you realize. He works through those around you. Sometimes in the most unexpected places, He provides for your needs. Want to know why?” Timmy nodded.
“Because He loves us more than we can imagine. He asks us to wait on Him so He can renew our strength.” Timmy’s face brightened, a huge smile on his face.
Kingdom Thinking. During this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, I choose to remember the Lord Jesus provides for me. He is my strength. He loves me with an everlasting love and He promises never to leave nor forsake me. Do you need to be lifted up today? Call on Him.