Thursday, September 23, 2021


“I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.” Isaiah 45:3. (NKJV).

“What about this one?” Grandfather peeped over the rim of his glasses, shook his head.

“Too big. Sometimes the best quality can be small.” Timmy dropped the large rock on the ground.

This week they’d camp in Pisgah National Forest. Today they'd mine for precious stones. Tomorrow they’d hike up Looking Glass's rock face.

“Look at this purple rock.” Timmy washed some of the sand and gravel from it. “I like it.”

“An amethyst. Nice find." Grandfather grinned. "Didn’t jump into your hands?” 

"I had to dig deep for this one.” 

“You know, Timmy. The Lord promises us treasures--hidden in secret places.”

“What does that mean exactly?”

“Under heat and pressure, over time, gems are created. We have to dig for them.” He looked at Timmy. “The Lord loves us more than gems, right? He puts us in dark places...”

“Like when bad things happen?”

“It’s hard to trust in the dark place,” Grandfather said. "But the Lord knows what He’s doing. He’s in the process of making treasures.”

“But it’s scary.”

“Yes, but He teaches me He, the Lord, calls me by my name. And the hidden riches will come to light.”

“We’ll get hidden riches?” Timmy’s eyes sparkled.

“We’re His jewels.” Grandfather chuckled. “We must be cut and polished so the light can shine through.”

“Wow. That’s amazing.” Grandfather grinned.

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord brought me from a dark place. Through his love and grace, He’s in the process of making me into one of His sparkling jewels. He loves me and promises never to leave me. Would you like to be one of His jewels? Come to Him.