In Matthew 28:5-7b, we read: “But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for He is risen as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead.”
“That was some production, Grandfather. Is that how the tomb looked?”

“Maybe but you know the most important lesson we can learn from this?” Timmy shrugged.
“The Lord Jesus said He would rise on the third day and He did.”
“That's important?”
“Definitely. The performance was great. The props, the actors, the music--all contributed to a spectacular production. But the main point...”
“You didn’t like it?”
“I did but I have to remember there was no music or costumes at the crucifixion. The disciples watched their Master go through an unfair trial, beaten and betrayed, then hung on a cross like a common criminal. They believed He'd come as their king, but now? Can you imagine what they thought?” Timmy’s face reflected horror.
“I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Most of us don’t. We know He arose from the dead.” Grandfather dipped his head. “He paid an unimaginable price for me--to pay for my sins.”
“No, Grandfather. You’re good. I love you.” He hugged his grandson.
“Ah, son. All of us sinners need a Savior, but I’m glad you love me. Now the good news. The tomb is empty! He has risen! He paid for my sins in full.” His face wreathed in smiles, he hugged Timmy again.
“That is the Good News, huh?”
“You better believe it. None greater.”
Kingdom Thinking. The tomb is empty. Death couldn’t hold Him. He has risen. He loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to leave nor forsake me. He gives me new life. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?
“That was some production, Grandfather. Is that how the tomb looked?”

“Maybe but you know the most important lesson we can learn from this?” Timmy shrugged.
“The Lord Jesus said He would rise on the third day and He did.”
“That's important?”
“Definitely. The performance was great. The props, the actors, the music--all contributed to a spectacular production. But the main point...”
“You didn’t like it?”
“I did but I have to remember there was no music or costumes at the crucifixion. The disciples watched their Master go through an unfair trial, beaten and betrayed, then hung on a cross like a common criminal. They believed He'd come as their king, but now? Can you imagine what they thought?” Timmy’s face reflected horror.
“I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Most of us don’t. We know He arose from the dead.” Grandfather dipped his head. “He paid an unimaginable price for me--to pay for my sins.”
“No, Grandfather. You’re good. I love you.” He hugged his grandson.
“Ah, son. All of us sinners need a Savior, but I’m glad you love me. Now the good news. The tomb is empty! He has risen! He paid for my sins in full.” His face wreathed in smiles, he hugged Timmy again.
“That is the Good News, huh?”
“You better believe it. None greater.”
Kingdom Thinking. The tomb is empty. Death couldn’t hold Him. He has risen. He loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to leave nor forsake me. He gives me new life. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?