“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” 1 Corinthians 9:24. (NKJV).
“I’m ready, Grandfather.”
“I’ll be right here in the stands. Son?” Timmy turned. “Praying for you.” He gave a thumbs up.

Timmy kept abreast. Heading into the home stretch, one of the racers brushed past him. He stumbled, twisted his ankle, went down.
“Never make it now.” As he struggled to stand, he felt strong arms come around him.
“Lean on me, son. We’ll get to the finish line.”
“Grandfather.” His lip trembled. “I lost the race.”
“Nope. That’s when you quit. Race on. To the finish line.”
The crowd cheered the runners as they crossed the finish line, even for Timmy and Grandfather.
“Thank you, Grandfather.” Timmy’s chin quivered, his eyes shining.
“We’re a family, Timmy. Always there for one another.” He tilted his head. “Sort of like the race of life. No matter which section of the race we’re in, the Lord Jesus watches over us. And when we fall? He’s there to pick us up. Sometimes He uses other members of the family.”
“Like you, Grandfather?”
“Exactly. The Lord loves you, Timmy. He’s there for you--one fact I hope you’ll never forget.” He hugged his grandson.
Kingdom Thinking. When I realized I was in the race of life, I froze. Then the Lord Jesus came to my rescue. He promises never to leave nor forsake me and He loves me with an everlasting love. He offers the same to you. Come to Him. Race on!