Thursday, July 11, 2024



“Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, Therefore I hope in Him!’” Lamentations 3:22-24. (NKJV).

“How can you say God is good? He takes away everything I love.”

Grandfather sat on the edge of the sofa, his arm around Timmy. He handed him his handkerchief.

“I feel the same at times.”

“You do?” He stared. “But you're always smiling.”

“Everyone goes through pain and suffering. It's not whether we have pain, it's how we deal with it.” He sat back, and crossed his legs.

“Doesn't make sense. Why can't life be easy?”

“We wouldn't have a story to tell. It would be 'Once upon a time they lived. The end.”

“That's not a story. Nothing happened.” 
“You're right. You need action. And in our life story, things happen and we react. We have choices to make in our ups and downs. Which story would you prefer? ‘She walked home.’ Or 'She tripped on a rock, fell, skint her knee...” 

“I get it.” He searched Grandfather's face. “But I’m still sad.” 

“As you should be. You loved Buddy. That little Boston Bull terrier was your shadow. When you give your love, and lose it, an empty place remains.

“Bad things happen, son. But I'm not consumed or destroyed because of the Lord's great mercy. We are His children and the Lord is always faithful. So I hope in Him."

“Even when you don't feel like it?”

“Especially when I don't feel like it.”

“Thank you, Grandfather, for loving me.” He hugged him. “I'll hope in the Lord, too.” He cocked his head. “It's still hard.”

“Know this, son. His compassion never fails. He is our Hope.” He pulled his grandson into a hug.

Kingdom Thinking. What about you? Do you know the Lord's mercies are new every morning? He loves you with an everlasting love and promises never to leave nor forsake you. Won't you come to Him?