“Grandfather, guess what's in the mail?” He waved a letter as he ran into the kitchen.
“Your excitement says a letter from Mary. Let's see what she has to say.
Dear Brother,
Sorry I've fallen behind with my letters but I had to tell you what's happened.
Doctor O was treating children in the clinic when he noticed a little girl's head was indented. He lifted her hair to discover a hole. No covering over the brain. He looked at her mother.
“She fell off the church roof, landing on a concrete patio,” she said. “The doctors did surgery but gave us no hope she would survive.
“No,” her mother said. “We are praying for a miracle.”
“If she lives, she'll be blind,” the doctor said.
Days later, as her mother dozed in a chair by the bed, a voice said. “Mommy?” She thought she was dreaming. “Mommy?” Her mother leaped up, thrilled her daughter had regained consciousness.
“What's going on,” the doctor said as he entered the room.
“She's awake. Praise the Lord.”
“Not possible,” he said, standing at her bedside. “She's probably blind.”
“Mommy, your blue dress is pretty.” Tears streaking her cheeks, her mother lifted her head and voice, praising the Lord.
“Not possible,” the doctor shook his head.
“Sir, I don't know what you believe but you have witnessed a miracle of God. My child not only lives but she sees.”
Brother, I had to share this with you. Our God is Amazing. Got to go. Love you. I'll update you soon.
Love, Mary.
“God can really do that?”
“Of course, son. If He is the Creator, He surely can create.”
Timmy's eyes flared. “That's the missing part of the puzzle, huh? We think of Him as God and Lord but He's our Creator, too. Wow. No wonder He can make all things new.”
“Couldn't have said it better, son. He is our Mighty God, our Creator, our All.” He wrapped his grandson in a big hug.
Kingdom Thinking. I agree with Timmy. We serve an awesome God. He loves me and promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves you, too. Won't you come to Him?