Thursday, September 5, 2024


 "At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." John 14:20. (NKJV).

"Grandfather?" Timmy called as he came home on Monday.

"In the kitchen."

"You can't believe what happened."

"Tell me."

"Remember Buster? The guy who said he was gonna beat me up?" 
Grandfather folded his arms, gave a quick nod. 

"Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Turned around and there was Buster, his fists punching the air."

"'Your day has come.' He started for me.

"'Before you do, I need to tell you something.' 

"'Quit stalling...'" 

"'Last summer at church camp I invited Jesus into my life. He promises He'll never leave me so if you beat me up, you beat the Lord Jesus up, too.'

"He stiffened. 'Then I'll wait 'til tomorrow.'

"Grandfather, please pray with me. I'm scared."

Hugging his grandson, he prayed for wisdom and protection.

Tuesday, Wednesday, the same question from Buster followed by Timmy's response.

Thursday, Buster came up to Timmy, fists threatening.

"Go ahead and beat me up, Buster. I'm tired of your threats."

"'Is Jesus still in you?" 

"Yes, He is. Don't you see? He promises He'll never leave me. And you know what? He loves me, too."

Buster's face fell. "He loves you that much?" He slumped. "Wish someone loved me."

Timmy tilted his head. "He does love you, Buster. You just haven't been introduced to Him. Would you like to know Him..."

"No. You don't understand. He can't love me. Done too many bad things."

"That's why He came, Buster. To save you and me from our sins. To wash us clean and make us new."

"I don't know. I don't deserve..."

"Come home with me. Grandfather can help you understand. He helps me all the time."

Later, Buster lagged behind Timmy. "Grandfather? Want you to meet my new friend." He smiled. "This is Buster."

"Welcome, Buster. Just fixing Timmy a snack. You wouldn't happen to be hungry?" At Buster's quick nod, he grinned. "Well now, there's plenty for the both of you. Have a seat."

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord Jesus arranges circumstances to show us His Amazing Love and Power. I can trust Him because He loves me with an everlasting love and promises to never leave nor forsake me. He offers the same to you. Won't you come?

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