In Luke 15:8-10, we read: “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!’ Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
She didn’t realize it was lost for some time. She usually put the ring in its box in the special place in her jewelry case. Now the box was empty. Mama received the pink sapphire ring in the Tiffany setting on her sixteenth birthday. Mama, in turn, had given it to her on her sixteenth birthday. Now it was lost. She had ruined the family tradition.
She reached out, grabbed it and held it close to her heart. The lost was found. She rushed to tell her mother who rejoiced with her. She could hardly wait to tell her friends.
The Lord Jesus tells us “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” He is the Light that shone into the dark hidden places of my heart. He, the Seeker, let me know that I was not okay, but I was loved. He found me, picked me up and loves me with an everlasting love. He has promised never to leave nor forsake me.
Kingdom Thinking. Our Lord Jesus offers the same to you. He wants to claim you as His child, to lift you up and give you the joy that only comes from Him. Won’t you come to Him today? He waits for you.

She pulled out the ring drawer, dumped the contents on her bed. No pink sapphire ring shone up to here. Where could it be? Think, think, she admonished.
She got the flashlight, looked under her bed. Perhaps it had fallen when she took it off and the carpet had muffled the sound. She looked in every nook and cranny she could think of. No ring.
She knelt down by her skirted dressing table, lifted the organdy skirt. The flashlight beamed into the dark places. A flash of light, a glow of pink. Under the skirted table, hidden behind the front leg, nestled the ring.

The Lord Jesus tells us “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” He is the Light that shone into the dark hidden places of my heart. He, the Seeker, let me know that I was not okay, but I was loved. He found me, picked me up and loves me with an everlasting love. He has promised never to leave nor forsake me.
Kingdom Thinking. Our Lord Jesus offers the same to you. He wants to claim you as His child, to lift you up and give you the joy that only comes from Him. Won’t you come to Him today? He waits for you.