In Matthew 18, 12-14, we read: “What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.”
She looked everywhere. Their son was not in his usual hiding places. Did he wander from the fenced-in back yard? The gate was locked. Did someone come into the yard and take away their little boy?
The mother called her husband, then called the neighbors to help. The father came home from work. He called the police. Still no results.
The father went upstairs to check his son’s more time. No. Not there. As he came down the hall, he heard something in his room. He went in.
There in the overstuffed chair, his little son lay curled up, fast asleep. Overjoyed, he swooped him up and took him downstairs to the joy of the family, the neighbors and the police. Rejoicing and laughter sounded throughout the house and spread throughout the town. All gathered around him, to catch a glimpse of the found son. The little lamb.
We’re told in the scriptures that the Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He seeks out His own. He goes to the mountains where we hide or where we’ve wandered. When He finds us, He reaches down, lifts us up, puts us on His shoulders and carries us. He bears our weight and pain.
His timing is perfect as He seeks us. He wants us to know who He is and what He has done for us--but most of all, to know He love us.
It took me too long to realize I had fear tangled up in His message of love. I made something difficult out of it. So He reached down to me and said simply, “Come. Trust me.”
Now, I can share with the other lambs, the love, forgiveness and gentleness of our Lord Jesus. He desires for me to know Him and to make His love known.
It doesn’t matter if you’re sleeping in your hiding place or running to find refuge in the mountains, the Lord Jesus knows your needs. He wants to bring you into His Family.
Kingdom Thinking. The lord Jesus desires to lift you up and give you rest in Him. He loves you with an everlasting love and has promised never to leave nor forsake you. Won’t you put your trust in Him? He is able to carry you without stumbling or tripping.
She looked everywhere. Their son was not in his usual hiding places. Did he wander from the fenced-in back yard? The gate was locked. Did someone come into the yard and take away their little boy?
The mother called her husband, then called the neighbors to help. The father came home from work. He called the police. Still no results.
The father went upstairs to check his son’s more time. No. Not there. As he came down the hall, he heard something in his room. He went in.
There in the overstuffed chair, his little son lay curled up, fast asleep. Overjoyed, he swooped him up and took him downstairs to the joy of the family, the neighbors and the police. Rejoicing and laughter sounded throughout the house and spread throughout the town. All gathered around him, to catch a glimpse of the found son. The little lamb.

His timing is perfect as He seeks us. He wants us to know who He is and what He has done for us--but most of all, to know He love us.
It took me too long to realize I had fear tangled up in His message of love. I made something difficult out of it. So He reached down to me and said simply, “Come. Trust me.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re sleeping in your hiding place or running to find refuge in the mountains, the Lord Jesus knows your needs. He wants to bring you into His Family.
Kingdom Thinking. The lord Jesus desires to lift you up and give you rest in Him. He loves you with an everlasting love and has promised never to leave nor forsake you. Won’t you put your trust in Him? He is able to carry you without stumbling or tripping.