“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8. (NKJV).
Charlie's head snapped up. What did the preacher say? God has requirements? Guess that leaves me out. His chin dipped, eyes squeezed tight.
He got away with little things. A quarter from Grandfather’s dresser. A pack of gum from the checkout. Did little things matter?

“No man whether rich or poor can meet God’s requirements,” Pastor John said.
He leaned forward, his mouth dry as cotton.
“So God, the Father, sent God, the Son, into the world to fulfill the requirements of good. To take my place and yours for only God is Good. He is the One who gives us hope and forgiveness. Can’t earn it, can’t steal it--it’s a gift from God Himself."
He touched Grandfather's hand. “I need to go down to the front. Go with me?”
He touched Grandfather's hand. “I need to go down to the front. Go with me?”
Grandfather’s eyes glistened, his arm around his shoulders as they made their way to the altar.
The preacher leaned down. “Yes, Charlie?”
“I want to do good, to love mercy and walk with the Lord. I’ve tried--but I mess up.”
“I understand. The Lord Jesus understands, too. Let’s pray and ask Him to be your savior and your Lord. He loves you and promises never to leave you. Is that what you want?” Charlie nodded, bowed his head.
The preacher leaned down. “Yes, Charlie?”
“I want to do good, to love mercy and walk with the Lord. I’ve tried--but I mess up.”
“I understand. The Lord Jesus understands, too. Let’s pray and ask Him to be your savior and your Lord. He loves you and promises never to leave you. Is that what you want?” Charlie nodded, bowed his head.
After he said 'amen,' Charlie looked at Grandfather. "I feel I can take a deep breath all the way to my toes. I feel clean..." He stood tall. "Thank you for not giving up on me. Now it's my turn. I need to go and tell my dad I received the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He chewed is bottom lip.
"He's not gonna be happy. Will you pray with me?"
"My privilege, son." He prayed, asking the Lord to tenderize his dad's heart and to guide Charlie's words and actions..."
Charlie took up the prayer. "Help me to remember to love mercy and walk humbly, Lord Jesus. Took me a while to understand Your love. Let me live Your requirements as You live through me. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
"This is what really counts, isn't it Grandfather? To know His Requirements and share them."
Grandfather cleared his throat, "You got that right, son. Now go." He widened his eyes, blinking rapidly, as he hugged his grandson.
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