Thursday, June 13, 2024


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. (NKJV).

“Listen, Timmy.” Grandfather held a letter. “Aunt Marilyn is coming for a visit. She wants us to get to know the twins, Janey and Laney.”


“Day after tomorrow.” Grandfather stood. “We’ve got a lot to do. Need to go to the grocery store--,” he looked around at the living room. “Better get this place cleaned up, too.”

“Wonder what they’re like. Will I get to play with them? How old are they?”

“Excited, are you? They’re eight months old. I’m sure you’ll get to play with them.”

Finally, Aunt Marilyn arrived with the babies. As he helped unload the car, Timmy said. “Why do you need so much stuff, Aunt Marilyn?” 

She smiled. “I never know what they’ll need so I bring everything.” She turned to Timmy. “I need your help. You’re like their big brother. Can you make sure they don’t get into trouble or hurt?”

Timmy nodded. “Sounds easy. They’re just babies.” 

That evening, Timmy plopped on the sofa. “I didn’t know the twins could get into so much trouble.” He sighed. "When I told them to stop, they just cackled and kept right on crawling. I'm worn out."

Grandfather chuckled. “They need protection and guidance, Timmy. Like us when we come to the Lord Jesus. In Christ, we are a new creation--a newborn in the Lord.  We need guidance and protection. We get into a lot of trouble if left to ourselves.

The Lord Jesus provides parents and mentors to help and encourage us. Most important? He sends the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us daily.

“Wow. We have a whole lot to learn, don't we?”

“Absolutely. And God is faithful. He knows what we need.”

“Man, am I ever glad.” He cut his eyes at Grandfather. “Think I'm like the twins--into stuff I shouldn't be?”

”You know it.”

“And He loves me. Amazing.”

“Amazing, indeed.”

Kingdom Thinking. The Lord promises never to leave nor forsake us. He loves us with an everlasting love. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post ma'am. Indeed, the more we learn, the more we realize how little we know.
