Thursday, December 5, 2019


In Matthew 25:40, we read: “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” 

“Wow.” My daughter inspected the gingerbread house on top of a large sheet cake. “Great job, Mom. Love the cookie walk.”
            “You really think so? I want it to be special.” She gave me a thumbs up.
            “They’ll love it and get to eat it, too. What could be better?”
            “Let’s take our four-foot artificial tree, too. They can trim it as they want.” She nodded her approval.
            The next day we went  to the village to share our Christmas treats. Excited we laughed and talked. Until we turned onto the grass street. The door and windows open, they waited for us, huge grins on their faces, the children and women. Banana trees edged the area in front of the home creating a patio. Colored paper chains draped from tree to tree in festive designs. Absolutely stunning. 
            After our time of singing and Bible study, we gave them the cake and the tree to decorate. They thanked us, then invited us to their back patio. 
             “Come,” she waved for us to enter. 
            Tables made from boards on sawhorses held a holiday feast. Arroz-con-pollo, a national specialty of chicken and rice, along with other special dishes covered the table. At our stunned silence, the children giggled and danced around. At their insistence, we sat and were served--humbled and grateful.
            “Mama,” my daughter whispered. “Where’s their chicken?” Not to be seen, I realized we were eating it.
            I thought I did well giving up our Christmas tree and making the special cake but as I looked around the table, saw my friends joyfully serving us, I knew I gave out of my plenty. They gave of themselves. Another slice of  humble pie, please.

Kingdom Thinking. I often forget I am one of the least of these, chosen by the King. The Lord Jesus, the Giver of Gifts, loves me and will never leave me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?

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