In John 12:23-24, we read: “But Jesus answered them, saying, ‘The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.’”
“Daddy, I don’t understand. Will we ever see Mama again?”
The father looked at his son, his eyes filled with sadness. How could he show his young son that death was not the end for his mother but the beginning? “Help me, Lord,” he prayed. The funeral procession moved forward down the street. Suddenly, a huge truck, came up beside them and overshadowed them. His son turned, stared at the truck.

“Son, would you rather be hit by that truck or the shadow of the truck?” The boy looked at his father, a questioningly look on his face.
“The shadow, Daddy. It can’t hurt me. Only scared me for a second.” His father smiled, nodded.
“You’re right, Son. The Lord Jesus came, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for me. And for you. You see, the wages of sin is death. He paid the price. The Lord Jesus is the ‘Seed,’ the seed that by giving his live brings forth a whole field of wheat or believers in Him. So when a person who loves the Lord Jesus dies, only the shadow of death hits him.”
His son sat still, thinking. “So Mama’s alive with Jesus?” He looked at his father. His throat tight, his father nodded, reached over and hugged his son.
I have to remember that the Lord Jesus has promised that He has taken away the sting of death. He took my place. He promises never to leave me nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. I don’t understand but I praise Him for He is Worthy to be praised.
Kingdom Thinking. The Lord has prepared the way. For you to have a new life in Him. He paid the penalty for your sin and mine. He loves us that much. Amazing Love. Now you choose. Won’t you come to Him? He stands with His arms wide open.

The father looked at his son, his eyes filled with sadness. How could he show his young son that death was not the end for his mother but the beginning? “Help me, Lord,” he prayed. The funeral procession moved forward down the street. Suddenly, a huge truck, came up beside them and overshadowed them. His son turned, stared at the truck.

“Son, would you rather be hit by that truck or the shadow of the truck?” The boy looked at his father, a questioningly look on his face.
“The shadow, Daddy. It can’t hurt me. Only scared me for a second.” His father smiled, nodded.
“You’re right, Son. The Lord Jesus came, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for me. And for you. You see, the wages of sin is death. He paid the price. The Lord Jesus is the ‘Seed,’ the seed that by giving his live brings forth a whole field of wheat or believers in Him. So when a person who loves the Lord Jesus dies, only the shadow of death hits him.”
His son sat still, thinking. “So Mama’s alive with Jesus?” He looked at his father. His throat tight, his father nodded, reached over and hugged his son.
I have to remember that the Lord Jesus has promised that He has taken away the sting of death. He took my place. He promises never to leave me nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. I don’t understand but I praise Him for He is Worthy to be praised.
Kingdom Thinking. The Lord has prepared the way. For you to have a new life in Him. He paid the penalty for your sin and mine. He loves us that much. Amazing Love. Now you choose. Won’t you come to Him? He stands with His arms wide open.
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