Thursday, February 6, 2025


 “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”  1 John 4:7, 11.  (NKJV). 

“Teacher, there’s a man at the door.” 

He waggled his eyebrows, and held up a large heart-shaped candy box, a fancy red rose perched on top.

The eighth-grade science class clapped and hooted, “Teacher has a boyfriend.” 

She rolled her lips, then introduced him to the class. He perched on the corner of her desk and leaned forward. 

“Can you keep a secret?”  

Every chin tipped up and down. “She’s my valentine but not everyone knows--you are among the favored ones.”  He then held them captive with one of his escapades while flying his F-86 fighter jet. He answered their questions about his flying, then shook hands with each one. He’d won twenty-three friends in a matter of minutes. And all because of a box of candy.

After he left, she held the box. An assortment of flavors. She looked at her class. An assortment of personalities. 


“How about an experiment?” Groans. 

“Who would like a piece of candy to celebrate with me?” All hands shot up. 

She opened her treasure and went up and down the isles. Each student chose a piece.

“Before you devour your treat, look at it. Not one is the same.” She paused. “But your candy came from the same box, right? Does that make one better than the other?” 

“Milk chocolate is the best,” James said. 

She chuckled. “Now look around you. Different people but we make up the science class.” 

“Will we get eaten?” 

“No." She smiled. "But we can work together to make a difference. What do you say?” 

“Like your special valentine?” Ginny said, a twinkle in her eye.

“Absolutely. All in favor, say aye." She blinked at the noise. “The ayes have it.”

The ayes had it, indeed. Who would have thought we could work together because of a box of candy? Thank you, Lord, for Your love and wisdom.

Kingdom Thinking. During times of distress, I choose to remember the Lord Jesus holds His Valentine box out to me. I enjoy his gifts and get to share them. He loves me and promises never to forsake me. Wouldn’t you choose His Love? You won’t regret it.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,' says my soul. 'Therefore I hope in Him!’" Lamentations 3:22-24. (NKJV).

“You don't understand. I don't deserve a gift.”

“Believe me, I understand,” Aunt Janie said, causing Cing's eyebrows to lift. She patted the cushion. “Sit.”

“Ben was concerned about a boy with a Perthes hip. It wouldn't heal properly if he didn't keep weight off it, so we visited Larry.   

“Leaving the paved road, we bounced down the lane, rutted and filled with potholes, and arrived at the small unpainted house. 

“A woman came to the porch, a little girl in her arms. Ben walked up to the steps. Before he could introduce himself, Larry came running from around back, jerked to a stop.  

“Mr. Ben, you came.”

“Told you I would and I see you're putting pressure on your hip.” Larry looked down, dug his toe into the dirt.

Invited in, Larry's mom removed a chicken from a chair, brushed the cushion with her hand, and insisted I sit. Ben explained why her son needed to protect his hip and how to care for it. 

"Thank you for taking time to see about my Larry. He loved camp and talks about you." She looked at me.

"Before you go..." She hurried into the back room, returned with a package of hose. 

“Until you better paid," she extended the package to me. "Y'all’s visit means the world to me," her voice wobbled

Ben nudged me, and nodded. 

How could I take her hose? Her new ones? I swallowed the lump.

Thank you,” I said, looking into her beaming face. I kept that gift for many years. A reminder of the many ways I'm blessed because God is Faithful. He is compassionate and merciful--all the time.”

“Did you see Larry again?”

Aunt Janie smiled. “After medical school, during internship, Ben walked in, leaned against the kitchen door. ‘Guess who I saw today?’ He grinned at my shrug. ‘Larry. He looks great. Hip healed.’ He reached for my hand. ‘We serve an awesome God.’”

“So what you're telling me is—it's all about the Lord?”

“Absolutely. All because of His Mercies and His Compassion.”

She bit her bottom lip. “I want to hope in Him. Will you pray with me?”

“Of course, darling girl.  ‘Heavenly Father, I come to you so excited Cing wants to hope in You--‘“

“Yes, Lord. I want to hope in You and know You like Aunt Janie. Please come into my heart today. Thank you, Lord.” She turned. “Can I go and tell Samantha about Jesus?”

“Absolutely.” She smiled as she swiped away a tear. “Thank you, Lord.”

Kingdom Thinking. Because of the Lord’s mercies, He promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. His compassions are new every morning--a daily gift. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8. (NKJV).

Charlie's head snapped up. What did the preacher say? God has requirements? Guess that leaves me out. His chin dipped, eyes squeezed tight.  

He got away with little things. A quarter from Grandfather’s dresser. A pack of gum from the checkout. Did little things matter?

Nearly jumped out of his skin when Grandfather patted his leg, and smiled. Would he love me if he knew? 

“No man whether rich or poor can meet God’s requirements,” Pastor John said. 

He leaned forward, his mouth dry as cotton.

“So God, the Father, sent God, the Son, into the world to fulfill the requirements of good. To take my place and yours for only God is Good. He is the One who gives us hope and forgiveness. Can’t earn it, can’t steal it--it’s a gift from God Himself."

He touched Grandfather's hand. “I need to go down to the front. Go with me?”

 Grandfather’s eyes glistened, his arm around his shoulders as they made their way to the altar. 

The preacher leaned down. “Yes, Charlie?”

“I want to do good, to love mercy and walk with the Lord. I’ve tried--but I mess up.”

“I understand. The Lord Jesus understands, too. Let’s pray and ask Him to be your savior and your Lord. He loves you and promises never to leave you. Is that what you want?” Charlie nodded, bowed his head.

After he said 'amen,' Charlie looked at Grandfather. "I feel I can take a deep breath all the way to my toes. I feel clean..." He stood tall. "Thank you for not giving up on me. Now it's my turn. I need to go and tell my dad I received the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He chewed is bottom lip.

"He's not gonna be happy. Will you pray with me?"

"My privilege, son." He prayed, asking the Lord to tenderize his dad's heart and to guide Charlie's words and actions..."

Charlie took up the prayer. "Help me to remember to love mercy and walk humbly, Lord Jesus. Took me a while to understand Your love. Let me live Your requirements as You live through me. Thank you, Lord. Amen."

"This is what really counts, isn't it Grandfather? To know His Requirements and share them."

Grandfather cleared his throat, "You got that right, son. Now go." He widened his eyes, blinking rapidly, as he hugged his grandson.    

Kingdom Thinking. I’m so glad the Lord Jesus fulfilled the requirements. I tried and failed. He met every requirement, fulfilling the law, for me and you, too. He loves with an everlasting love. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, January 16, 2025



“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” 1 John 3:20. (NKJV).

“Glad you made it home, Timmy.” Grandfather glanced at his watch. 

“I helped Mrs. Elliot take her groceries into her house.”

“Kind of you.”

 “Not so kind. She handed me a grocery bag. It slipped--I dropped it.”

“Oh, no.”

“Stuff went everywhere.” Timmy's shoulders slumped.

“Anything break?”

“No sir. Some cans rolled under the car. I crawled under and got them.”

“Kind of you.” Grandfather sighed.

“Not so kind,” Timmy chewed his bottom lip. “I stood up, snagged my jeans pocket. Ripped it.

 “Mrs. Elliott's hands fisted on her hips. 'Sure you can handle my groceries, Timmy?'

“Sam and Johnny rode by on their bikes. They hooted and laughed at me.”

“What’d you do?" Grandfather's lips twitched.

“I finished the job.” His mouth curved down. “Why do I always mess up?”

“You helped Mrs. Elliott. Bet she chuckled all day." Timmy grinned.

“Yep. And she gave me lemonade and cookies. But...”

“Son. You disappointed yourself--your heart’s condemning you, not the Lord.
You asked Jesus to come in, to save you at camp, right?” He nodded.

“Your goodness can't save you. The Lord Jesus does. So your badness can’t lose you.” Timmy’s forehead creased. “The Lord Jesus knew all about you when He bought you, made you His own.”

“Thank you, Grandfather. That's good news, huh?”

“The very best."

“So even if my heart troubles me 'cause I don't get things right, God is greater than my heart?”

“Absolutely, son. Absolutely." 

Kingdom Thinking. God is greater than my heart. When He forgives me, it’s a done deal. He knows all about me. He promises never to leave nor forsake me and loves me with an everlasting love. Do you realize God is greater than your heart? He loves you. Won't you come to Him?

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. The Lord watches over the strangers; He relieves the fatherless and widow; But the way of the wicked He turns upside down.” Psalm 68:5; Psalm 146:9. (NKJV).

“Pass the pepper, please.”

“Pepper? Of course, my lady.”

“Thank you.” Six-year-old Annie reached for the pepper shaker.

“Allow me.” Sitting at her right, Bubba shook a generous amount on her grits.

“At your service.” George, on her left, grabbed the shaker, gave it a hard shake. The top fell, her food now black with pepper. 

“Something wrong, Annie?” Head dipped, her bottom lip quivered. Uncle looked at her plate, then his sons.

“Bubba, pass me Annie’s plate.” He divided the grits. “This half's for your supper, Bubba, and George, the other half for you. Eat all of it.” He served Annie a fresh plate.

“Thank you, Uncle.” She looked at him, her eyes glistening. 
“Grandfather, why were the boys so mean to Annie? Hadn’t she just come to live with them?”

“Yes. Her mother had passed away a few weeks before." His lips tightened. "Let me assure you, the boys treated their new sister with kindness after that.”

“How do you know?” Timmy tilted his head.

“Because I'm a quick learner. Remember what the family called me?”

“Bubba. You’re that Bubba?” Grandfather nodded. “Um, were you turned upside down?”

“Better believe it and I’ll never forget it. The Lord takes care of widows and orphans. Woe to them that take advantage of them. I’m proof of that!”

Timmy grinned. “I thought you were perfect.”

“Now you know, son. Only one holds that title--the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Your father knew how to make things right, huh?”

Grandfather grinned. “He took the action of two smart-aleck boys and turned it into a life-changing story--“

“That keeps on telling. I guess our Defender the Lord Jesus can always turn the bad upside down.”

“You're right about that, son. He can and will always be our Defender.” He high-fived his grandson.

Kingdom Thinking. In this upside-down world, the Lord takes care of widows and orphans. My mother's aunt and uncle adopted her after she lost her mother, welcomed her into their family. Our Lord does the same. He adopted me, promises never to leave nor forsake me. He loves me with an everlasting love. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come to Him?

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:16-17. (NKJV).

“How do I know God loves me?” Timmy crossed his arms, chin up.

Grandfather tilted his head. “I love you.”

“You’re supposed to.” 

He leaned back in his porch rocker, forehead wrinkled.

“Timmy, did you know Sara rescued a kitten?” 


“One day on her drive home, she saw a paper bag tossed from a truck into the medium of a busy thoroughfare. Wind from passing cars buffeted it. The bag opened. Out popped the head of a kitten.” 

“What happened?” Timmy leaned forward.

“She maneuvered into the medium, grabbed the bag, and found a terrified kitten. After treatment at the vet's office, she took the kitten home.

“Now, that kitten doesn’t know much about love but he knows Sara saved him and he totally trusts her.”

“Wow. How can anyone be so mean?”

 Grandfather sighed. “I was like Sara’s kitten. Lost in the world, the traffic whizzing by. One day, the Lord Jesus stepped out of His heavenly home, came to earth as a lowly man to rescue me, a sinner. He picked me up from the world’s traffic. I don’t understand why, but I am eternally grateful.”

“Am I one of His kittens, Grandfather?”

“You better believe it! And He loves you.” Grandfather hugged Timmy. “Even more than I.” 

“Wow. God must love me a whole lot 'cause I know you love me.” He looked at Grandfather. “If you love me and God loves me, Maybe I can rescue kittens, too.”

“What kind of kittens?”

“Guess I'll rescue real kittens--four-legged ones and maybe two-legged ones.” He grinned. “All of us kittens need to know the Lord Jesus loves us--“

“You got that right, son. All His kittens need His love.” He cleared his throat, pulled his grandson into a hug.   

Kingdom Thinking. Caught in the same predicament as the little kitten, the worldly traffic roared by, twisting and banging my life bag. The Lord Jesus saved me. He loves me with an everlasting love and promises never to leave me. He offers the same to you. Won’t you come?